Chapter 58

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Ruan Tang saw that he could not return, and guessed that he had almost touched his bottom line. If he went too far, he should really ignore himself and accept it immediately when he saw something good.

Retracted the previous attitude of slapstick and re-issued a message to Oston: "Do you still want to hear the bedtime story at night? May I tell you a story?"

Allston seemed to disappear, and he did not return a word.

Ruan Tang turned up the "One Thousand and One Nights" and turned on the voice recording mode, and told the story to Auston by himself through the newsletter.

After getting into the habit of telling stories every day to coax the older child of Auston to sleep, Ruan Tang himself couldn't adjust to not telling stories for a day.

But this night, it wasn't until Ruan Tang finished telling the story that Auston didn't reply to him.

Ruan Tang glanced at it not too early, immediately closed the book in his hand, and said softly to the communication: "Good night."

Just turn off the lights and go to sleep.

On the other end of the communication, Aston quietly listened to Ruan Tang's story, but in the dark it was inexplicable that his cheeks were slightly hot.

After that, although Auston would not reply as soon as Ruan Tang sends a message, it also changed the style of evaporation on the earth. Ruan Tang looked for him a lot, and he would still reply to Ruan Tang occasionally. .

Although Ruan Tang is busy with his work, he can't see Auston, but as long as he has free time, even if he is crowded, he will squeeze time to talk to Auston.

"Sir, you see, this is my work lunch at noon today."

"What are you doing now?"

"I saw a flower blooming in the garden of our unit today. It looks good and I will share it with you."


News like this, because knowing the relationship that Oston will definitely watch, Ruan Tang is happy to sing a one-man show without responding alone.

Aston looked at this annoying and sticky omega, even if he didn't see the presence of being so high, so loved, he immediately said anxiously: "Are you omega protection associations not working? So leisurely Yes, I still have time to send so many things to work? "

"Even if you are busy, I have time to miss you." Ruan Tang saw that he had read his news, and immediately hit him again with a straight ball.

Allston suddenly frizzled: "What the **** are you talking about?"

This time, Ruan Tang may be busy, but it is Ruan Tang's turn not to return to him.

Aston stared at his personal terminal and looked at Ruan Tang for a long time. He didn't reply to his message for a long time, and immediately blew his hair. People, I do n't know how to be ashamed, I like to say something. Is this still omega? "

"..." Vincent would not comment on this.

After serving as an emotional counselor for Orston several times, and listening to him for several times, he and Ruan Tang's mode of dealing with each other, no matter what Oston said to him now, Vincent had all regarded him as abusive. Dog Show Eunai came to see.

Both husbands and wives are ill, and it looks like they are not normal. They want to toss and toss and let them toss.


After knowing that his mother had been poisoned by people and became what she is now, Ruan Tang has been searching through all sources of information from all sides to find out who his mother was.

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