Chapter 62

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Ruan Tang looked helpless as he watched the chrysanthemum tea and inhibitor presented by the servant.

These are all good things that destroy the atmosphere, lower the fire, and restrain.

Growing up like this, he has never seen such fresh and refined, just because oga teased a few words with him verbally, and gave oga alha, the inhibitor chrysanthemum tea ...

Ruan Tang is extremely speechless, and can only comfort himself in the heart. Perhaps this is also the cuteness of Auston. At least this performance proves that he is a very clean and self-contained alha who is completely different from Ruan Ming.

"Mrs." Auston stepped forward, sniffed and smelled Ruan Tang's body, and passed the things in his hand to him.

Ruan Tang took the things and waved at him immediately, and said, "Okay, I know. Thank you for me, my lord. It's late, you should go back to rest earlier."

Aston saw him urging himself to leave, although he didn't like the taste of Ruan Tang, but as a manservant, he obediently answered: "Yes."

And retreated.

However, when he left Ruan Tang's room, he couldn't help thinking, wasn't it normal for Ruan Tang to be like this? Haven't they had a good time together?

Why would he have to be like this?

It made him dare not come to see him, but fortunately he had a layer of vest.

Sure enough, the oga thing is unacceptable, and he still has to keep a distance with Ruan Tang.


Since Ruan Tang climbed to the high post and took the position of chairman of the OGA Protection Association, I don't know how many people hate him in the back and want to pull him down from above.

This time, he killed the Ruan family to kill the Quartet, dragged Xia Ruzhi so publicly, and before things calmed down, someone immediately watched the wind. He directly posted a violent video of Ruan Tang beating Xia Ruzhi in public and posted it online. Blaming him as an oga man actually does not defend the weaker oga women at all, and he has fought hard. Can he really do a good job of defending o rights, promoting the interests of oga nationwide, and working for the welfare of oga?

The video scratched his head. He beat Xia Ruzhi too hard and was so crazy that everyone was startled and left a message on the Internet: "I am, what is the situation, this Ruan Is Tang actually so fierce to look at the gentle and gentle? It's so scary, when he hits people, his eyes are murderous ... "

"I heard that the person being beaten was his stepmother. I don't know if there are any grievances, but even if there are grudges, wouldn't it be as vicious for a male oga to be so fierce for a weak female oga?"

"How do I feel that Ruan Tang is as violent as his husband, isn't it that a family doesn't enter a house ..."

"It's so cruel, so fierce, I haven't seen such a fierce oga ..."

"Can such a person really take on such a heavy responsibility as the chairman of the OGA Conservation Association?"

Various rhythms want to guide people to feel that Ruan Tang is not worthy of the position of the chairman of the OGA Protection Association.

When he saw the news, Ruan Zhuoxu and Ruan Xi brothers were discussing a plan to rescue Xia Ruzhi from their grandparents' Xia family. They wanted to remove Xia Ruzhi from the relationship and could not let him be convicted. Seeing the news, Xia family owned Everyone was happy, exasperated.

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