Chapter 65

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Tang Yun and Ruan Yang were sent away on the front foot, and Aston was exposed on the hind feet. Ruan Tang flung away and held his hand tightly, and asked fiercely, "Have I been too indulgent to you recently? Is your courage big or small? "

As long as the thought of Ruan Tang just poked him and pulled him again, he was no big or small, no basic awe of him.

Allston was full of brains and wanted to take good care of this oga.

Just now Tang Yun and Ruan Yang were in person, he had to save Ruan Tang's face, but now he doesn't need to.

"Did I just have a lot of courage? I don't think so. Didn't we deceive my brother and mother in acting? You see, didn't we just cooperate well?" Ruan Tong blinked innocently. But he didn't take the wickedness of Orston into account at all.

He admits that he is very drifting now, and dares to give way to the blue beard that is so scary to the emperor star ...

But this is also the consequence of Auston's love and pampering.

Because of his obedience to his words, even if he behaved terribly in front of him now, he only felt embarrassed and mischievous.

Ruan Tang shifted the subject, there was no pressure at all.

Auston looked at him fiercely and took a deep breath, but he could not accept his flicker when he accepted: "If you don't change the subject here, who will give you the courage?"

He gave Ruan Tang such a face, does this oga think he doesn't want to face?

His appearance was really scary and fierce. When he was angry, the dangerous air pressure that permeated him all the time made him feel creepy and scalp.

But Ruan Tang was not scared at all. He even looked at the very fierce look of Auston, and thought of his inner fear that even his own oga was afraid. He suddenly did not control the '噗嗤' and laughed. sound.

For the first time, when Austen got angry for no reason, he saw people not only shudder, but even laughed out loud. Suddenly I was on the spot. It took a while before I changed to a more fierce look, and asked angrily: "Who made you laugh? What made you laugh? Does it make you feel funny?"

Ruan Tang's appearance made him feel that he had finally shaped it, and the horrible image and majesty he had created for many years had disappeared in his eyes.

"No, I just feel good, and I am especially happy to laugh naturally." Ruan Tang choked the smile on his face, and more and more felt alha in front of him: "I do n't want to laugh at me, do you want to see me? Can't you cry? "

Allston was silent: "..."

Ruan Tang was so toothless that he felt that the courage of this oga was getting bigger and bigger.

"I said you are not allowed to laugh, you just are not allowed to laugh." Auston froze for a moment before he calmed his face. "You haven't answered me yet? Who gave you such guts? No more awe and respect for me? "

The most annoying is that he just had to do what the oga had ordered.

"It's not the courage you gave." Ruan Tang said in a serious way: "Master, you are so cute, I can't help but want to approach you when I see you, how can I feel afraid and awe?"

He looked at Allston innocently: "I also want to respect and awe you, but as long as I think of you being so cute, I have repeatedly rejected me, but my body has come to help me so honestly, I can't control myself ... "

Oston is so cute that he has never been described as such. He suddenly flushed a face under the mask, silently stagnant, and angrily rebuked: "You ... talk well, and less nonsense here!"

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