Chapter 60

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Ruan Ming was startled, and she was irritated at Ruan Tang: "Ruan Tang, what are you doing? Are you crazy? How can you hit your aunt Xia!"

"Ruan Tang, you dare to hit my mother!" Ruan Zhuoxu rushed up like he rescued Xia Ruzhi, but before he got close to Ruan Tang, he was kicked off by the guards around Ruan Tang.

Xia Ruzhi screamed continuously: "Help, help ..."

Ruan Tang ignored them, and just kept venting on Xia Ruzhi for so many years because of the humiliation and hatred suffered by their mother and son.

The degree of his madness was staggering, and she was so imposing that she was full of shame, her hair was messy, her nose was swollen and her face was swollen. She could not recognize her as her.

Ruan Tang also vented enough that he was so weak that he threw Xia Ruzhi, who was powerless in the hands of chickens, to the ground as if he was throwing garbage.

Xia Ruzhi was not beaten lightly by Ruan Tang, his nose was blue, his face was swollen, and blood leaked from the corners of his mouth. He couldn't get up for a long time. He stretched out his hand and asked Ruan Zhuoxu for help: "Xu Er ..."

Ruan Zhuoxu immediately took a step forward and wanted to help Xia Ruzhi, but was stopped by Austen's dedicated guards.

Did not give anyone the chance to approach Xia Ruzhi, just let this woman embarrassed and embarrassed by the public ...

"Ruan Tang, what else do you want to do?" Ruan Zhuoxu has never seen such shame before, and is instantly incompetent.

People around looked at Ruan Tang to such an extent that he was still stubborn. Headed by a distant uncle from Auston and another high-powered Royal Duke, he opened his mouth and looked at Ruan Tang dissatisfied. To stop this: "Duchess Auston, Ms. Xia is your stepmother anyway. I don't know what kind of grievances you have, but as your brother said, in the final analysis she treats you And nourishment ... "

"Even if you don't want to think of her as a mother, why beat her so much in the public and beat her so much?" He has lived most of his life, except for his lunatic nephew, who has never seen him like this. Makes sense.

Is this husband's husband really not in the family?

With his speech, there were suddenly a few noble ladies who had a good relationship with Xia Ruzhi on the side, saying: "That said, the Duchess of Puppet is still the chairman of the OGA Conservation Association. If you do n't understand even basic filial piety, how can you do a good job in leading the entire Empire 's ideological education and assistance? "

Ruan Tang recognized at a glance that the aristocratic lady hadn't helped Xia Ruzhi mother and son in the circle to stigmatize her reputation, said bad things about herself, and immediately took a step forward.

"What are you doing? Do you still want to hit me with your hands?" The noble lady just watched Ruan Tang's brutal scene of beating Xia Ruzhi happen in front of her. When she saw Ruan Tang approaching herself, she was startled and kept going back. .

Straight back to Duke Philip, watching a large group of people behind him, then shouted at Ruan Tang with peace of mind.

"Duke Philip, Mrs. Sherman, I have to refute something about what you just said." Ruan Tang, without seeing Mrs. Sherman, walked directly to Duke Philip.

Although the old duke is high-profile but low-key, he is quite prestigious in the Ostia nobility circle. He belongs to the person who Ruan Tang didn't want to offend and left him a bad impression.

Although he is freeing himself, he is not crazy yet.

Duke Philip is old and has a conservative mindset. The most important thing is filial piety and rules. Ruan Tang's assault on his stepmother happened under his nose. His impression of Ruan Tang was extremely bad. He didn't want to listen to him. However, considering Ruan Tang's identity and status, he still looked at Ruan Tang silently.

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