Chapter 101

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At the same time, in an underground organization base of Emperor Star, a young male omega, the leader of the organization, was listening to his subordinates to report everything that happened to the Gemini Fortress.

During the whole process of listening to the report, he never made a sound, neither sad nor joy. Until I learned that the omega sent to seduce Oss failed, I sighed quietly: "Unexpectedly, I have used special methods to increase the pheromone match between him and Oston to an absolute fit, and managed to cause With Amston's amnesia ... such a good opportunity for peace and harmony, he could not successfully complete the task, seduce him to replace Aston Ruan ... "

"I really don't know if I should say that he is stupid, or should I praise our relationship between the Duke of Blue Beard and Chairman Nguyen is stronger than Jin." Although the thin male omega plan failed, he was not seen as a superior A little bit of panic, calmly from beginning to end.

His subordinates heard the words and immediately respectfully echoed: "Who said no? Your Highness ... I just don't know if Mason failed, what should we do next?"

Mason is the one who sent them to fake the omega name that matches 100% of Allston's pheromone.

"What else can we do? Of course, wait and see what has changed. Although Mason seduce Auston has never been successful, hasn't our blue-bearded duke's mental strength exceeded 3s?" The young omega voice was cold: "Zerg has been I hate it, although I hate Orston and Nguyen Tang, the threat from the Zerg is equally disgusting. The entire empire has not had such a high alpha of mental strength for hundreds of years. If Oston can kill The King of the Dead, the King of the Exterminator ... Didn't it solve the hidden dangers for us in advance? "

Since the first plan was unsuccessful, he was able to adapt to the situation and launch the second and third plans.

Regardless of how Austen and Ruan Tang are the protagonists of the world and how the halo is added, he now has a systematic help. Even Ruan Tang and Auston, no matter how capable, can only be doomed to do him a wedding dress.

His subordinates frowned slightly, with some worries: "But His Royal Highness, if the Duke of Oston really kills the Zerg Emperor and destroys the Zerg, it is as if he has made great achievements. With the blessing of the legion, it is easy for him to grant him the general authority It may not be so easy to get it back ... by then, the situation of the entire Emperor Star will change ... "

"This may not be good for us." His subordinates were worried: "Especially, Ruan Yang, the head of the White Tiger Corps, is also the brother of Ruan Tang, and he cares for this younger brother."

When the young omega with a mask and almost no emotional fluctuations heard the word Ruan Yang, some strange emotions appeared in his eyes, but he was quickly suppressed, and his tone was light: "Rest assured, if Oston did such a great job, he would not have the opportunity to come back ... not only I would not let him return, even our benevolent and wise emperor would not want to see him Back. "

"I sincerely pray that our Highness Oston will be able to kill the Zerg, and the Empress will inevitably tear his face and set off a storm of blood on the Emperor Star." The best time. "

His subordinates swallowed, and he dared not have any doubts, but only dared to answer, "... Yes, Your Highness."


However, Ruan Tang and Allston couldn't know all this, because at the same time, it was detected that there would be a movement, cracking the sealed Zerg, and suddenly all recovered, and they started attacking indiscriminately at night. The human planet.

Aston was the first in the army to find the Zerg strange based on the cosmic star map, and he raised his hand to command: "All the shining troops of the Twin Star Fortress are all on standby!"

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