Chapter 54

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Auston didn't want to see Ruan Yang, which made him feel awkward, anxious and strange.

It's like a promise to see the other parent's behavior, but he is a person who can't promise Ruan Tang.

"Adult is so good, so good to me. Why do you think my brother can't feel relieved when he sees you?" Ruan Tang did not expect that he would say so, he chose directly, and asked, "Why are you so arrogant?"

Most of the time Auston felt strange to him, contradictory and conflicting ... conceited and inferior.

This allowed Ruan Tang to give birth to a kind of investigation into his inner world.

From his own enthusiasm to the present, he has given countless hints to Auston, but Auston 's response has always been avoidance. While avoiding, he has treated him to the extreme and never escaped him ...

They seem to be in a deadlock.

Although such a mode of getting along is good, Ruan Tang still wants to break the deadlock.

"Which eye do you see me being arrogant?" Auston didn't admit it, and the eyebrows under the mask suddenly flew into a fretful arc.

I just feel that this omega is troublesome and troublesome, and I like to think about it.

Ruan Tang didn't care about the avoidance in his words and looked at him, but he said, "No matter what people think about you, you are the best and best person in the world in my eyes. I like you, and I believe my brother and mother and sister will like you as well as me ... "

Avoidance is also an expression of inferiority and avoidance in Ruan Tang's eyes.

Although he is an omega, he is also a man. In the face of the alpha that has been hanging with him in ambiguousness, Ruan Tang's heart has a kind of hunting and pursuit ** ...

He wants to get this alpha, and he wants this alpha to be his.

"You don't shoot me rainbow farts here!" Allston pointed directly at the door and snapped: "Get out!"

Ruan Tang didn't want to listen to these flattery and diligent words.

He is the Duke of Blue Beard, who is famous for the entire Emperor Star. How can he be controlled by a small omega?

Ruan Tang was very keen to capture the cramps in his mood, relying on Auston to lie in bed, he just refused to leave.

The fierce alpha, which is so far-reaching, is the most fierce look in front of him. It just rolls out, and even scolds him very little, without any lethality.

As long as he masters this characteristic of Auston, Ruan Tang feels that he can be invincible in front of him.

"Adult from the day I met you, except you scared me, basically you will give me everything I want, and you are so good to me, why is this? The indulgence of Allston helped Ruan Tang His courage made him look at Allston's eyes and asked this question.

Seeing that he refused to go out, Aston faced this delicate and fragile omega, and could not hit, nor smash, nor coercion ...

"No reason, because I'm happy, it's as simple as that." Allston was fierce, and he couldn't help but look fierce.

What he always does is what he wants, and why?

He wanted to do that, he did it, and that's it.

Ruan Tang took a deep breath, but asked, "What kind of person do you like?"

He asked a question he always wanted to know, what kind of people would Oston like, not omega.

He wanted to know what kind of type Auston liked, and whether it fit him?

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