Ancient early abuse residue 01

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"... I'm going to divorce." The young omega bit her lip gently, not knowing how much effort it took to squeeze out such a sentence from the gap between the teeth.

Indifferent and powerful Alpha looked at him directly, without the slightest emotion in his eyes: "What?"

"Garnier Hubert, I said I was going to divorce you." Omega's voice trembled, and she didn't know how much pain she had endured.

"Lin Yang, did you tell me that something important is coming back to me for this ridiculous reason?" Garnier laughed out loud after hearing his partner's words, after a moment of stiffness, The eyes were full of irony and amusement, and looked at the weak omega: "Do you know that my time is precious, every minute and every second is squeezed out, and I will accompany you to make troubles from time to time ..."

Lin Yang looked at the cruel and ruthless alpha in front of her eyes, her lips trembling, "I'm serious this time."

Every time he proposed a divorce, he put it up so much that he couldn't bear it. He was despairing about this indifferent marriage, but his intolerance seemed like a joke in the eyes of this arrogant alpha.

"Serious? Six years of marriage, you have mentioned seven divorces." He looked at his partner coldly, like a disobedient subordinate: "I promised to marry you after you kept chasing me, I thought you were very mature. You never looked like this after getting married ... "

Garnier had no idea what the omega was making.

He never felt that it was a big deal for his omega to propose a divorce. In his opinion, Lin Yang's proposal of divorce was like a disobedient kitten trying to get his owner's attention to deliberately disrupt it. She is still willing to make a joke, and she is upset about it.

"Yes, I was chasing after you, but that's because I love you, I thought you love me too ... so I will ..." Lin Yang's voice was hoarse, and he shrank, and some dare not think about himself How did you jump into such a stove?

"So what? The reason you want to divorce me now is because you think I don't love you, do you? Well, now I tell you, can I love you?" Garnier stared at him with a grim look, Verse verbatim: "How old are you, can you be so naive?"

This is a critical period for his career advancement. He was already upset and did not expect his partner to come to stop him.

"Are I not good enough for you? You eat and drink, and I do n't do everything I can to give you the best. What do others have, but you do n't have, jewelry, jewelry, dress, major general Glory of my wife, I am the youngest major general in the entire military department. Since the establishment of the military department, no one has been able to do this step except Ruan Yang. I was promoted so quickly ... " Infinite coercion was released: "When we were married, we had the same family background and the right family, but in the following years, as my status and status rose, I gave your family how much help and help, several brothers I arrange all the work, and I greet your family's business before someone takes care of it ... "

He almost thought the omega in front of him was ridiculous and terrible.

Too many times to file a divorce have already annoyed him.

"Is you giving me all the honor that omega can enjoy and giving my family infinite honor. But where is the relationship between glory and interests?" Lin Yang looked at the alpha in front of her and burst into tears. He said: "Garnier Hubert, in front of you, in our marriage, I can't feel a little bit like myself, I've been treated like a partner, and I can't even feel like myself."

"I'm like a canary you keep in a cage, a pet tied to your house. When you're happy, come here to tease and be unhappy. Let me find you, even if I'm in estrus, you I still ignored me, and when I did n't exist, I had enough of such a life. "

After I Got Married, Those Who Betrayed Me Were RebornWhere stories live. Discover now