Chapter 66

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His Majesty Ruan Tang's words were fierce, but he never slackened his hands against the Ruan family.

If there can be only one winner with his Ruan Ming, that winner can only be him.

Given the opportunity, he no longer intends to sit still, and is determined to work hard to get what he can get, everything he wants.

To this end, he and Ruan Yang worked out a thorough and detailed plan.

I do n't want to wait for Ruan Tang and Ruan Yang to join forces with other parties to further persuade Ruan Ming to surrender the Ruan family. The Ruan family first planned to keep up with the changes and a new incident occurred.

When receiving the news, Ruan Tang was having dinner with Ruan Yue and Tang Yun in Ruan Yang's new home.

The news was brought by the informants who had been planted in Ruan's house. The informants had come here to provide directions for their next plans so that the plans would be more comprehensive.

But he suddenly brought a new and unexpected news–

Ruan Ming had a sudden illness, and now she is lying in the hospital.

Hearing this news, Ruan Yue, Tang Yun and Ruan Yang, who had always enjoyed themselves, immediately caught on the spot. They suddenly lost their appetite and did not return to God for a long time.

Although it is the consensus reached between Ruan Ming and the Ruan family.

However, Ruan Ming, who seemed to be tough, hadn't waited for them to take the shot. People said that it wouldn't work, but it was still beyond their expectations.

Tang Yun's mother and son did not return.

"How can this happen? Isn't his body tough all the time?" Ran Tang, who had the least affection for Ruan Ming in this home, first responded, and asked with a strong voice.

In the interstellar era, the average life expectancy was 200 years, and Ruan Ming was only in his early a hundred years.

No matter how bad his health is, no matter how many things have happened recently, it won't be that bad.

The informant took a soft breath and said, "Marshal Ruan's body is indeed always good, but he can't help but the person at his pillow has been secretly giving him medicine to destroy his body."

"How do you say?" Ruan Yang frowned, not quite understanding what the informant meant.

The informant was about to tell all the news he currently knew: "It was his ex-wife, Ms. Xia Ruzhi, who had been secretly giving Marshal Ruan the medicine in the past few years to destroy his body, but her dose of medicine The control is very decent, and the amount is small, and it is usually not visible. "

"Now she suddenly went in, and stopped the continuous medication to Marshal Nguyen. Marshal Nguyen suffered a series of blows and was overstimulated. The accumulated medicine in her body was suddenly excited and exposed." He He laughed a little, which was quite ironic: "Fortunately, this lady Xia went in, otherwise if she really follows her drug control progress, I'm afraid that in the eyes of an outsider, one day Marshal Ruan really had an accident. He died of a heart attack. "

He had to sigh that Ruan Ming's ex-wife was really personal.

In terms of drug control and manipulation, he is a genius.

Hearing this news, Tang Yun's mother and son Gu were caught on the spot, but Ruan Ming was finally planted in the oga he looked down on in the past.

In the past, he thought he was great, could not stand the temptation, and abandoned the marriage and derailed Xia Ruzhi. If you hit or scold, you have never seen her personally, and you can get cancer.

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