Born For You 01

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Lane first knew that Ruan Yang was before his eighteenth birthday.

Ruan Yang, who has a male model figure and appearance, is obviously a military man but has a huge number of fans and fans like traffic stars. He once wore a military uniform and served as a recruiting billboard for the imperial ministry. In 1949, waking up all of a sudden led to a wave of discussion throughout the empire.

Coupled with the peach-colored gossip that he and the emperor Qing Aiso were about to marry the royal family.

Suppressed the birthday feast of the imperial royal family's most popular star Xiaoyue Qing.

Ryan is hard even if he doesn't want to know him.

"Ryan, Ryan, do you know that Ruan Yang is the youngest major in the Empire who regularly broadcasted recruiting billboards decades ago, he is really handsome, so handsome! Ahhhhhh! I'm dying, I never expected that I would be such an old man! "The sound of my friend's voice rang in Ryan's ear.

Ryan only felt irritable: "I don't know, you said it, but it's just an old man. Why should I pay attention to him?"

Ruan Yang is already sixty-four years old.Although he is able to use genetic evolution agents at will, he has a full life span of more than 300 years, and his appearance will remain in the interstellar age of about thirty before 150 years old. Ruan Yang is still completely young. People are not old men.

But Lane was 46 years younger than him, saying he was an exaggeration.

"Hey, my highness, my emperor, why are you so angry? Isn't it because the news of Ruan Yang's awakening has suppressed your birthday feast? This is the reason why the egg hurts? Are you so mean?" Buddy Keenly aware of Ryan's unhappiness, he immediately joked and asked.

Ryan don't overdo it, he doesn't want to bother, but just says, "That's not the reason."

"That's because of his gossip with your uncle? I heard that he is about to announce the engagement with your uncle ... Your family has always been at odds with Emperor Aesop, and you are so annoying because of your political stance. He? "The friend continued to guess.

"Isn't it? Aesop. Camisil stepped on him and abandoned him once. He awakened from his death, and was able to break through the mirror, so rude ..." Ryan muttered and said casually. "It can be seen that, like Aesop's poisonous snake, the snake and rat are in a nest. It would not be a good thing if it weren't for the rush to catch up."

The world of an eighteen-year-old is so clean, black and white, and there is no reason to like someone and hate someone.

My friend shrugged his lips and didn't care: "... Okay, if you don't like it, don't like it. Anyway, I like this Ruan Yang, it's just like chasing the stars, and just caring about his face, doesn't care about his character . Would you like to have a look, his face is really okay, anyway, really good. "

"Thank you, I'm not interested in the old man's face!" Ryan thanked him insensitively and refused directly.

However, although Ryan's tone is very hard, in fact, what he knows about Ruan Yang is just knowing the name and his status and status.

He had never seen Ruan Yang, nor did he know what he looked like.

Out of a kind of resistance he didn't know about himself, Ryan never even saw a photo of Ruan Yang.

Really meeting Ruan Yang was at a dinner party of the royal family.

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