Chapter 91

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Ruan Tang left Emperor Star for the first time in his life. When he was young, he always wanted to escape from Emperor Star, escaped from Ruan's family, and went to the vast sea of ​​stars to take a look. Stuck by Emperor Star.

And now, it's hard to get a chance to leave Emperor Star-

Worried about the mental disorder of Auston, he didn't have the heart to glance at the glorious beauty in the galaxy outside the window, and he urged Vincent to accelerate as fast as possible.

Although Anston was annoyed, because of his symptoms of mental disorders, Ruan Tang was very nervous about his current situation.

Only with one mind, at the fastest speed when Oston needed him most–

Rushed to his side.

Vincent was concerned about Ruan Tang's omega's physique and was afraid to drive the spaceship too fast. However, under Ruan Tang's strong insistence and concerns about Auston, he agreed.

In this interstellar trip, Ruan Tang set foot on the galaxy for the first time, and he has already broken the limit of his own physical fitness.

At his request, Vincent drove the spacecraft extremely fast, and even made several consecutive space jumps. He stiffly compressed the journey of about one week to about three and a half days.

At noon that day, they arrived at the Gemini Fortress.

"Ma'am, wait a minute. This is the adult's exclusive lounge. Please take a break here. I'll look for the adult." Vincent brought Ruan Tang into the rest of the fortress building in Aston through various levels of authority. The room is to Ruan Tang.

Gemini Fortress and Emperor Star are far away, and because of the busy military affairs, Auston seems to have blocked Emperor Star's news that he thinks has nothing to do with military affairs.

Vincent tried several times, never contacted Auston, and couldn't tell the news of Ruan Tang's coming.

I can only wait for everyone to arrive, and then meet with others through other people.

Ruan Tang also knew this, and immediately nodded: "Okay, I know."

Because of continuous space jumps, he has been toiling for a long time, and hasn't closed his eyes for two nights. Arriving at the Gemini Fortress, he also settled for a bit, planning to take a break and adjust it, and then go to see the lost amnesia of Auston.


"Sir, your mental disorder is very serious ..." In recent days, after he woke up, Auston has been spying in the Qing Army and arranged for deployment. Dr. Linger has finally found an opportunity to go to Austria. Ston wanted to talk to him about his condition.

Persuaded him to do mental counseling as early as possible, but since he woke up, Oston's mental disorder had never occurred, and he had no patience to listen to him at all.

"I do n't need to mention your opinion again, my mental disorder may worsen next time, and it will be the next time. At least now I have no problem at all ... even if something really goes wrong, I will also try to use medication I ca n't say any more. Before that, I would never accept any suggestion to find a good match omega to help me channel my mental energy! "Auston frowned, and after Linger had finished speaking, he knew that he wanted to The old tune replayed and interrupted him directly.

He knew that Ringel and a group of people around him wanted to persuade him to find an omega with a high pheromone match to help him dispel the disordered spirit, but even if the physical therapy method failed, the next illness may worsen.

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