Chapter 104

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Lane felt it necessary to educate his silly old man at home.

He looked at the silent Prince Andrew and said: "Father, Lieutenant General Ruan Yang and I, after all, are not from the same world with our family. Now I don't want to be married to the nephew of Carlos by the emperor. He doesn't want to be used by his predecessor. We just hit it off, we each took what we needed, and we were ready for a temporary engagement ... "

"If you really get me involved with such an empire elite, the military pillars, if you have something in the future, wouldn't you be afraid to involve us?" Although he is young, he has a lot of thought.

From the beginning, he did not intend to enter the game, but just wanted to protect himself, never thinking about taking the so-called marriage contract between himself and Ruan Yang seriously.

"... Ryan, you ... why do you think so?" Prince Andrew had never thought that his son would think so.

In the face of his closest and most trusted father, Ryan didn't even hide anything at all, and bluntly said, "Lao An, although I am young, I am not a fool. Who is my uncle Huang? It is too clear. He dare not even have such power as you, and the uncle who is idle all day is watching out for calculations. Who else in the world does he not watch out for?

"The birds are gone, the good bows hide ... Marshal Xue and Marshal Carland fought the Empire for decades. The two families bleed for the Empire. People admired it, but what was the end of it? The Xue family was treasoned and ended ... "Although Ryan was young, his political sense of smell was particularly acute:" Kalander, father, you and me To be honest, was the accidental assassination of your idol and his wife killed by the alliance spies or by my uncle Emperor? "

He was born among flowers, but he had already seen a drip of blood.

Prince Andrew did not expect that he would say such a thing. He heard him ask about the cause of death of Marshal Carland, and suddenly he was completely frozen.

Because Ryan was right in one word, the death of Marshal Callander and his wife was indeed not an accident, let alone by the Alliance spies, but by his good brother ...

As soon as I heard the news, Prince Andrew, who was mediocre and has nothing to do with his life, immediately made a decision that he still thinks of himself in retrospect, and that is to rescue Marshal Carand and his wife.

He hurried to the scene of the incident, but he was one step behind—

All I could see was that the spacecraft that Marshal Carland and his wife had taken was blown up into a firework in the galaxy.

He took the Guard with him for emergency rescue, but only found the scorched corpse embracing the imperial hero husband tightly. No longer was the style of one of the imperial twins and the star goddess ... Mrs. Callander, Xue The old lady even had a big belly.

Andrew did not have the ability to decide for them, but he silently collected the corpse for them, and found someone to cut open Mrs. Carland's belly ... Let the royal family and countless people who wanted Marshal Carland to bury their couple and die injustice Truth, cowardly curled up in his safe corner ...

"Many people say that Ruan Yang was unlucky, and he became a vegetative when he was in full bloom. A coma was decades. In fact, I think this is his luck. After all, he and the card Marshal Rand's relationship is very close. Everyone knows that Carland treated him like a child, and even his will has his name ... "Lane's face was childish, but his words were calm like ice cones. : "If he was awake then, he might not be able to live to this day, maybe he died with your idol long ago ..."

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