Chapter 84

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The secretary always felt that Shen Mozhi was a little different from before, but he was unable to tell what the difference was.

In a quiet police station, Ruan Xi was in handcuffs and was taken to Shen Mozhi by interstellar marshals.

He is in a very bad condition. Everyone knows that he is an unrecognizable lunatic. He logically offended the two great Buddhas of Auston and Ruan Tang, even without having to ask Ruan Tang and Auston himself. In order to please them, all kinds of torture in jail severely attacked Ruan Xi, not only to force him to let him explain the monitoring things honestly ...

There are even people below who want to forcibly involve Ruan Xi and the crimes committed by his mother's Xia family, put him in jail, and completely eliminate the troubles of Ruan Tang and Auston.

Even his fiance, Shen Mozhi, didn't help.

Because everyone knows that Shen Mozhi's family is not satisfied and recognizes him as Shen Mozhi's partner, and even hates him very much.

Ruan Xicai came in less than a day, but she had a lot of nagging, Yintang was dark, and her mental condition was not good. It seemed that there was a sense of death in her whole body.

He saw Shen Mozhi as if he saw a savior, tears burst into his eyes, and he could not wait to shout at Shen Mozhi: "Mozhi ..."

"Mo Zhi, you want to save me, now only you can save me."

Shen Mozhi retreated to the left and right, and slightly pursed her lips, but she couldn't tell what she was feeling, she just asked him, "You want me to save you?"

"Yeah, Mo Zhi." Ruan Xi couldn't wait.

Shen Mozhi said very calmly: "Do n't you know what status of Auston and Ruan Tang are? I ca n't afford to offend them now, and you do n't know, you have done such a thing ... Considered me and Could my family be implicated? How do you want me to save you now? "

He really wanted to ask if this omega had any intentions at the moment. He Shen Mozhi might be sorry for Ruan Tang, and a lot of people.

But after treating him as his own benefactor, he decided not to be sorry for him ...

But what about Ruan Xi?

But how did he treat him? The previous life sold him without hesitation in front of his enemies in order to survive. This life has made him face to face again and again. Only when he needs help to rescue the siege will he think of him, but in the least Never thought about how these things would affect him.

In his eyes, he seemed to be completely a tool.

Shen Mozhi really didn't know, how could he blind himself to lose Ruan Tang for such a person.

"Mo Zhi, I'm sorry for you." Ruan Xi immediately burst into tears and apologized without hesitation.

Shen Mozhi looked at him deeply, but said coldly: "The person you are sorry for is not me, Ruan Tang. The most you should do is to apologize to him and confess your crimes to him."

"Ruan Tang? That's why he killed me like this? You want me to apologize to him? Mo Zhi, what's the matter with you, did you eat the ** soup he gave you?" Ruan Xiben was still miserable Pretending to be a white lotus, but when I heard the words Ruan Tang, the whole person was excited as if stimulated, and he looked at Shen Mozhi unbelievably.

How could Shen Mozhi make him apologize to Ruan Tang?

Shen Mozhi didn't move: "Shouldn't you apologize to him? For everything you have done to him, for you to frame him over and over again, for you are still obsessed with wanting to harm him?"

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