Chapter 125 (END OF THE END) - Born For You 03

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Lane doesn't know if Ruan Yangxi likes him, nor how long their marriage can last, or if they will sleep that day.

His life was always so carefree, he passed quickly in the boring studies and his parents, Ruan Yang's tireless teaching ...

Ryan sometimes even felt that maybe he would be like this in his life.

But he never thought that the change would come so fast. As Ruan Yang went to the border, the situation of Emperor Star changed greatly, and Auston rebelled ...

"Lane, go, you go! Take Chuanxi Seal, go to Ruan Yang, to Auston! Aesop and the emperor can't stop you at the space gate by a robot that detects royal gene blocking, Ruan Yang's people Can take you out, you are not the blood of the royal family of Osfia, you are not my son, you are the last blood of the Xue family and Callander's family ... everyone in the royal family up and down is sorry for you, I owe you, a blood debt to your family ... "

"Your biological father and puppet are in the army, even in the whole empire. As long as you can leave Emperor Star, whatever legion, as long as you tell them your identity, no matter what the purpose, everyone will protect you. ... to live well, boy! "

Prince Andrew has not been serious for a lifetime, but he is rare once when he is fragmented and dying.

"No, father, I don't go, I don't, I just want you and my mother ... the three of our family must stay together all the time, I only recognize you ..." Lane cried in a sigh of exhaustion, and didn't want to leave.

However, the person sent by Ruan Yang, seeing that the rescue of Prince Andrew was unsuccessful, directly stunned and cried. The struggling Lane was forced to take Lane away from the Emperor Star under the detection of the royal genetic robot.

With the death of Prince Andrew, and they left Emperor Star ... Ryan's **** life was exposed to the eyes of the world.

Since then, he is no longer the most honorable little emperor of the Royal Family of Ostia, the youngest son born by the old Prince of Prince Andrew.

It was the last blood of the Xue family and Callander family who died injustice ...

"no, do not want......"

"Don't touch me, I want my father, mother ..." After waking up again, Ryan fell into an extremely severe stress response, how could he not get rid of the nightmare of losing Prince Andrew and the Princess.

As soon as someone approached him, he would scream hysterically: "Ah-"

Ruan Yang immediately stepped forward and hugged him, and kept calmly soothing: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you and me, Lane ..."

"No, no, I don't want you! I want my father, mother ..." Lane never recovered from the pain of losing Prince Andrew and the Princess: "I hate you, hate you ..."

He couldn't wait for himself to die with the Prince and Princess at the time.

He hated everyone who forcibly took him away from the Andrews at the time. He was like an immature fruit, leaving forever to feed his growing trees.

The severe pain made him hiss, and he kept hitting the wall with his head ...

Due to excessive physical and psychological trauma reactions, he even fell into a pheromone disorder.

Ruan Yang looked at Ryan, who was constantly self-harm, and quickly made a bold decision. He grabbed Ryan's wrist, forcibly controlled him, and bit him in the direction of his neck glands.

Temporary marking is the fastest way to make pheromone resonance between ao and establish a short-term pheromone combination, so that one person can use pheromone to soothe another person's disorder.

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