Born For You 02

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Everything that happened next exceeded Ryan's imagination smoothly. Under his own entanglement, this cold-faced alpha actually agreed to go with him to meet his father.

And his own father, who is not tuned all day, actually persuaded Ruan Yang to cooperate with their family and get engaged with him ...

Everything is so incredible.

When Ruan Yang was serious outside, in front of everyone, he declared that he fell in love with him at first sight, and loved each other, but he had to do it.

Ryan was so terrified that almost everything felt like a dream.


After agreeing to be engaged with himself, Ruan Yang's attitude towards him also changed drastically.No longer the old rustiness and indifference, he suddenly became familiar, and looked at Ryan's eyes with a lot of other things. There is something profound, caring for him.

Ryan panicked.

"That ... you ... how the old man flickered you." When he first dated Ruan Yang alone, Lane seemed very embarrassed. He tried to make himself speak naturally, but it didn't work: "Why did you promise to get engaged to me?"

He looks so good, will this person like him a little bit too?

"His Royal Highness, from now on, I will take good care of you, like your knight, and defend your life with my own life." Ruan Yang did not answer his question directly, but said it in a profound way.

The simple single sentence made Ryan almost flushed.

He almost jumped out of shame: "I asked you questions, and you answered my questions normally. Hello, what are you doing? I tell you, we are fake engagements, do you know about fake engagements? You are so older than me I 'm not planning to marry you! Come on, do n't you think about it too much? "

Pretending to be mature, Ryan was bare-bones, exposing his true face.

All blame this person and himself for saying that there are some things, which made his heart confused. When he was disgusted, even Ryan himself didn't find it. When he heard Ruan Yang saying this, he thought In fact, it is a little ecstatic.

"It doesn't matter if His Royal Highness doesn't want to marry me. I understand. I respect and support His Royal Highness." Facing Ryan's willfulness, as Ryan's current fiance, Ruan Yang did not show any shame. Annoyed, just smiled gently, looked at Ryan endlessly, and responded softly.

It's like a mature and stable adult who tolerates children's endless bad temper.

Even if Ryan didn't want to be his fiance, and didn't want to be with him, as long as Ryan was happy, he didn't matter.

Ryan poked his lips, but there was something unpleasant under his heart, but his mouth was still hard: "You understand."

"Yes, I understand, Your Highness." Ruan Yang looked at him tenderly, and he understood that a child as old as Ryan would not want to marry an old man like himself: "In fact, you don't have to treat me as a fiance. Do n't be too nervous, just treat me like an ordinary friend ... "

Alpha's voice is very low, deliberately maintained at a level of comfort.

"I'm not nervous!" Ryan showed his minions unhappy.

"Okay, you are not nervous. Sorry, it was my misconception." Ruan Yang's attitude was gentle and incomprehensible from beginning to end: "Listen to the princess, you can play the piano, in fact, I have a little knowledge of piano I know one or two. I wonder if I can have the pleasure of hearing your piano? "

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