Chapter 107

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The huge body of the 5s-type mech appeared instantly on the battlefield.

Suddenly various alarms sounded, which alarmed all kinds of people in and out of the warship command rooms on both sides responsible for checking the military situation. Appearing in the detection and monitoring of various warships is the huge body that looks like a dragon and a turtle under a 5s mech.

Once the 5s mecha was assembled, it was the Emperor Star who issued an order to attack the Gemini Fortress. Immediately after seeing this, the commander of the Emperor ** fired at the Gemini Fortress, and the side of the Shining Legion did not hesitate to let it react in the first time, firing countless light cannons to it As soon as the sky shone, even the surrounding air was taken up with layers of airflow. However, it can't hurt this huge mech. The low-cost mech shells attack the 5s mech, as far as the 5s mech is concerned.

However, it just tickles.

"The Seventh Division and the Eighth Division are preparing to take a left-and-right fight and fight against them! The Third Division is attacking me head-on!" Auston did not expect that the Emperor had already been prepared. After calmly analyzing the situation at hand, he summoned immediately. With his own mech directly led the army to face up.

Thousands of warships in the fortress galaxy bustling like ants swarming in the wind, aimed at their opponents and launched a crazy attack.

"嘭" "嘭" "嘭 ——"

Three consecutive d-class light energy cannons were fired from the shining morning star.

An attack was launched against that 5s mech.

The 5s mech is very powerful, but the strength of the Alpha Oston, which is the most powerful in the empire, is not inferior. He resisted the 5s mech with his own strength, leaving plenty of time for the warships of the Shining Legion. To fight against the emperor, also waiting for Ruan Yang to arrive.

This is an extreme spiritual battle between humans and complete machines. Oston has never seen such a completely intelligent war machine before. It has no spiritual network link, so the vulnerability can be attacked. His link fell off.

On the contrary, Auston himself was attacked by a lot of mental forces.He could only carry it by himself. The spirit net that firmly controlled his mech did not dare to relax for a moment. Even the forehead unconsciously burst out of blue veins. Gritting his teeth.

Relying on the rich experience and flexibility of actual combat experience, he foresaw the danger long before the danger came. He immediately drove the mecha and quickly made a turn, and successively carried out three backflips against the huge body.

He stumbled away from this unexpected three consecutive light cannon attacks–

When Aston was unmoved and supported his strength with his strong mental strength, there was a sudden flash of fire behind his legion, and dozens of drones were blown into pieces!

There were spies inside the legion–

The ship behind him desperately united with the Imperial Army and attacked him.

Allston was weak, and he vomited a spit of blood, gradually showing his slump.

I never expected that the emperor, or the emperor Qing Yisuo, was so painstakingly prepared to deal with him ...

At that moment, Oston's personal terminal suddenly received a communication request from Emperor **, and Oston frantically connected to the communication. I saw the Emperor's coach and his relatives. The Duke of Carlos looked at him with a kind and kind smile and smiled: "... It's been a long time since I met, my good nephew, Allston. I didn't expect that we met again in such a scene."

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