CHAPTER 3:Shameless

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I didn't say anything for the next few seconds

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I didn't say anything for the next few seconds. I had a blank expression on my face. Leo Blackwood, the guy who can't bear to even look at me, took off my heels and handed them to me.

"Thanks" I muttered. Leo stood in the same place on his phone.

"Are you staying the night?" I asked.

He looked up from his phone and responded " Yeah it's too late to go home, I'll just sleep in one of the guest bedrooms."

Leo sleeps here regularly because he hangs out with Nikolai and they stay up till all hours, of course I never cross paths with Leo while he's here because I'm either too busy doing my college work, hanging out with Sofia and Raquel... Or sleeping.

"Okay, goodnight." I murmur making my way to the stairs with my heels in one hand and my purse in the other.

"Night". He responded still on his phone. I walked up the stairs and went into my bedroom leaving the door open a small bit.

I turned on my bedside lamp and put my purse on my desk. I took out my phone and sat on the bed and texted Sofia and Raquel on our group chat

Aurora :Thanks for tonight girls, I had a lot of fun, I'll see ye tomorrow, goodnight😘 xx

I sent the text and put my phone on my bed, I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, I brushed my teeth and took off my makeup. I went back into my room when I was finished and tried to undo my dress zipper in front of my mirror but failed miserably. I couldn't reach the damn thing and I was stumbling around which made the situation 10x worse.

"Oh my god come on." I whined still trying to reach the zipper. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and I was waiting for mom or dad to come in and give me a lecture on how I was being too loud but it wasn't either of them. It was Leo.

"Whats going on in here, are you trying to train a pack of elephants or what?" Leo asked coming in to my room.

I rolled my eyes at his snarky comment. All I want to do is just go to bed and now I have to deal with him.

I gave up on the zipper and turned around to face him.

"No I can't reach the zipper to this damn dress."I said annoyed.

"Okay just let me do it, you could've asked me to do it." He said grabbing hold of my waist and turning me around so he could undo the zipper.

Shivers went through my body as he kept his hand on my waist. He moved his hand up slowly past my elbow and up my arms and on my shoulder. My breathe hitched when his hand glided past my neck to move my hair over my shoulders.

We were both standing in front of my mirror and I was watching his hand move to the back of my dress. He moved the zipper slowly down my body. Chills went through my body when the top of his thumb touched my lower back. I folded my arms in front of my chest to stop the dress from falling to the ground.

He came closer to my body and I could feel his chest on my bare back.

"There you go".Leo whispered in my ear making eye contact with me in the mirror while gliding his finger down my back and then putting both hands in my dress before resting them on my bare hips.

My breathing was unsteady as I watched us in the mirror. I had butterflies in my stomach as I felt him on me. I went to speak but nothing came out.

He took his warm hands off my hips before stepping back.

"Why are you doing this? "I asked turning around to face him.

" What do you mean?" He asked smirking. My eyes welled up with tears while I looked at him.His face faltered a small bit as he looked at me.

"Why are you making sure I never get over you?"I asked as a tear fell down my cheek.

He stepped closer smirking, not an inch of guilt on his face. "Because your mine Aurora, and you always will be". He said bringing his hand to my face and wiping my tear away with his thumb. He looked into my eyes before leaving my room.

I needed his touch again. I craved it. I thought I was over him but all my love for him is back no matter how much I hate to admit it.

I will always love Leo, no matter how much I try to get over him, it will always be him, It will always be Leo.

I turned back around to the mirror, a tear fell down my cheek as I realise everything. Tonight I was finally happy without him, I looked at him and didn't feel anything. I went to the club and danced to the music feeling happy that I was over him, then he came to the club acting like I was a damsel in distress who drank too much. Then he brought me home and pretended to look after me and then he did that.

He loves having power. He craves power. I know I might always love him but I'm DONE  letting him have power over me.

I'm done letting him win.

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