CHAPTER 10: "Are You Jealous?"

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"Done". I said exhausted as I saved the PowerPoint. We had spent a few long hours joining our notes to create the perfect PowerPoint and we were ready to present it tomorrow.

"Yes!"Josh exclaimed." The professor will definitely give us an A for this masterpiece". He explained.

"Your really that confident huh?" I asked rolling my eyes smiling at his confidence,But I know it's true because we had pretty good notes if I must say so myself.

"Yeah, we have good notes and we have explained everything explicitly." Josh explained playing with one of my pencil's.I was sitting cross-legged on my bed and Josh was lying in front of me.

We had spent hours up here and I was  STARVING. "Come on let's get some food".I said to Josh shutting my computer and putting it to the side.

"Yes, please I'm starving". He said getting up from the bed. I got up from my bed and made my way to the door.

On the way downstairs Josh almost tripped and we started laughing uncontrollably. I swear he's the most clumsiest person alive, he trips and falls over everything.

"Okay,so we have all different types of foods, and we have pasta from yesterday in the fridge." I say scanning the fridge and taking the pasta out.

"Yeah that will do, thanks Aurora." Josh thanked as he sat down,Nikolai and Leo were no where to be seen. They must have gone out somewhere.

I put some pasta in the two bowls and  put them in the microwave one at a time. When they were ready I sat down beside Josh.

A while later...

An hour has passed and me and Josh were just chillin watching Netflix, Mom and dad were sitting in the kitchen with Luca and Chiara.

Nikolai and Leo barged through the front door laughing about something.
I turned my head just enough to see Leo glaring at me, he went and stood beside Chiara watching me and Josh.

Josh was oblivious to the fact that Leo was shooting daggers at him, he was too fixated on what was happening on TV. I don't even understand why Leo is acting jeoulous for, I mean me and Josh are just friends, but still karma is a bitch.

"Hi Aurora". Nikolai greeted sitting on the other couch.

"Hi Nik". I replied. "Did you guys finish your project?" Nik asked interested.

"Yeah we did, it took a few hours but it looks good". I responded to Nik.

"Aurora I better go, I'm gonna be late for work". Josh says getting up from the couch.

"Yeah sure". I said smiling. Josh works as a waiter in this really posh restaurant,it's the one I went to for dinner with Sofia and Raquel.

"I'll see you tomorrow". He says to me  while getting his bag.

"Yeah,see you then". I say agreeing with him.

"Bye everyone". Josh says making his way towards the door, Everyone says goodbye except for Leo who looks glad to see him go.

I give Nikolai the remote and make my way to my room to clean up the notes scattered on my bed.When I get to my room I put all my notes into a neat pile and put then in the binder for tomorrow,I put my computer in my bag aswell.

"He likes you."A voice comes from behind me,I turn around from sorting my desk to see Leo standing by the doorway.

"What do you mean?" I say confused putting my computer bag beside my desk.

"He likes you. " Leo says in a calm tone.

I squint my eyes in confusion. "Yeah I got that part, but who do you mean?"

"That Josh guy, who else?"

"Josh,are you joking?" I say shocked as I start giggling.

"Does it sound like I'm joking". He states with an angry tone. I look at him for a second and realize he's being deadly serious.

"No we're just friends. "I say assuring him.

"Yeah so, that's not gonna stop him having feelings for you."

"Your being ridiculous Leo." I say shaking my head and going back to what I was doing.

"No, your the one being ridiculous, your too stupid to not realize how he was looking at you today, he was practically drooling over you."

"Oh my god Leo just stop. Jesus, when will you just stop. First we kiss then you say that it meant nothing, then you bring Sandra here in attempts to make me jeoulous and now your saying that Josh who's my friend by the way has  uncalled feelings for me."

"So you were jeoulous?"Leo asks smirking ignoring everything I just  said.

I shake my head and smile."You just picked up that small detail from that entire speech, and no I wasn't jeoulous by the way I said 'attempts to make me jealous". I clarify.

He chuckled before walking into my room. "Hmm,let me rephrase then, were you jealous when I brought her here?"He asked with a straight face.

I smiled and sat down on my chair, he came closer and sat down across from me on my bed.

"I'll admit I was jeoulous when I first saw her, but then I realised that was the reaction you wanted, maybe even craved so then I wasn't, I just ignored it." I explained leaning back into my chair fully when I finished speaking.

It's time to hit him back where it hurts.

"But my question is, Are you jeoulous?"

Leo looks at me in confusion. "Now what would I be jeoulous of Aurora? "

I smirk "Josh."

Leo quizzed my face before answering."And what if I was?"

I smirked,"That means I'm winning the game."

His smirk grew wider "Not for long Aurora".

"And why is that?"I question.

Leo sits there for a moment while I wait for his response, in one swift movement he grabs ahold of my wrist and pulls me to him, I land beside him on the bed.

Before I could get up he moves between my legs and holds my wrists above my head so I can't move. I let out a small moan when I feel him pressed against my lower region, Leo smirks as he watches me.

"What are you doing Leo?" I ask when I pull myself together.

"This is my game Aurora, there can't be two winners."He says slowly still pressed up against me. I try to move but instead receive a groan from Leo.
He looks down at our position before gliding his eyes up my body before meeting my eyes.

I look up at him angrily and he moves his head so close to mine that our noses are almost touching.

"That is exactly why I'm going to win." I say challenging him.

"Really?"He says smiling still with our faces inches apart.

"Yeah". I reply smiling aswell. "I'm going to prove to you that I don't need you anymore."

"Okay, game on." He says challenging me ,eyeing our position once more before meeting my eyes again.

Game on, Leo

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