CHAPTER 19:We're Just Getting Started

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s me and Aurora enter the hotel I'm trying to steer my thoughts away from taking my gun out and killing this  Damon fucker and his bastard son, it would save us all a whole lot.

When we go into the lobby Damon is talking with his son, Damon sees us in a matter of seconds because Aurora is wearing heels and the sound they make is like a beacon, it would be impossible to not be a hear them, the sound is infuriating.

Damon smiles and walks away from his son mid conversation and comes to me and Aurora, My arm is wrapped around her waist and her hand is layed on mine.

"Well.. hello Leo and Aurora, its great to finally meet you."Damon says as his son comes to his side."This is my son Vincent". Vincent's eyes are on Aurora, preferably her tits, Damon must have caught him looking because he elbowed him into the chest. Vincent winces before putting his hand to his chest in pain.

"What the fuck was that for?" He whispers angrily.

"Introduce yourself Vincent, and stop staring". Damon says to Vincent with his eyes looking at Aurora. A flash of anger races through my veins. Every part of me wants to punch Vincent for looking at Aurora, especially when she's mine. Aurora moves uncomfortably beside me and looks up at me. I give her a reassuring look before Vincent and Damon return.

"Shall we?" Damon suggests. Aurora and I agree and we make our way towards the table. I released Aurora's waist so she could sit down. Vincent of course sat in front of Aurora which pissed me off even more and Damon sat in front of me.

I put my hand out and rested it on Auroras mid thigh, she squirmed a little under me as I slowly lifted my hand up towards her most sensitive part. Vincent had his eyes on her like she was his prey, but luckily for me her eyes were fixated on my hand as I raised it higher. Now it's time to talk Buissness, after all this is why we're even sitting here.

"Let's cut the crap, why are we here Damon?" I move my hand inwards before my fingertips are touching her panties. She moaned but quickly covered it up with a cough,a smirk grew on my face as I watch her melting beside me. She looked over at me with a "what are you doing" look as i moved my fingers in circles.

"What do you mean, we're just having dinner Leo". Damon says smiling leaning back into his chair. This fucker knows exactly what he's doing.

"Cut the crap Damon, we know you see our mafias as a threat to yours." I say catching him off guard.

I lean back into my chair with my hand still on Aurora's panties. I move my fingers in circles more before she grabs my hand to stop,I turn my head towards her meaning no. She takes her hand away from mine and takes a drink. Damon moves uncomfortably in his chair looking at Vincent for backup, Vincent takes no notice as he's already watching Aurora.

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