CHAPTER 4: A Past Favour

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After I left Aurora in her room crying I went to one of the guest bedrooms down the hall

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After I left Aurora in her room crying I went to one of the guest bedrooms down the hall. I felt guilty when I saw the single tear fall down her face when she asked why I touched her and looked after her. I unzipped her dress and when I touched her skin I could tell it sent shivers throughout her body by the way I touched her.

I layed down on the bed and stared at the ceiling and thought about today's events. I have Aurora wrapped around my fingers again.I smiled at the thought.

The next morning....

When I woke up I went downstairs and met Ace and Victoria in the kitchen, they were making breakfast together even though they have many maids and butlers but that doesn't stop them.

IF I ever have a relationship I hope it's like Ace and Victoria's or my parents relationship.

"Good morning guys." I said sitting down on the stool in front of them.

"Morning Leo". Ace said before taking a sip from his coffee.

"Good morning Leo, how did you sleep?" Victoria piped up.

"Good" I muttered. This house is like my second home, I stay here nearly all the time when I'm not being trained on how to lead the mafia.

Father says I will be taking over the mafia from him in a few years and that I should party while I can, I just mostly go out and then hook up with women and leave before they wake up. No strings attached. Father says he was like that before he met mother and I will be the same but I won't.

I like being free and not having relationships. I love being in control and being able to do what I want when I want, I dont want to share my life with anyone else and besides I will be taking over the mafia soon and I won't have time for anything or anyone. I mostly hang with Nikolai and we go partying and then we come back here after and chill.

I never see Aurora when I'm here though, she's never around, She's always with Sofia and Raquel.

"Is Nikolai around?" I asked getting up and getting a glass of water.

"No he's still in bed, he trained with me last night". Ace said before turning and smiling at Victoria.

Nikolai is taking over the mafia from Ace aswell. Both our father's are teaching us how to lead a mafia and how to run the Buissness.

"-And Aurora just left for College". Ace said.

I took out my phone from my pocket and the time said 12:38. I've slept longer than I thought. I nodded while thinking about last night. I still felt a little bit guilty about upsetting her last night but she'll be fine, she always is.

"I'll see ye soon, I'm sure father is climbing the walls waiting for me."

Ace chuckled "Yeah I'm sure he is, bye Leo, see you soon".

"Bye Leo". Victoria said coming to hug me.

"Bye". I said before leaving the house.


When I got home, I said "Hello" to mother and went to have a shower and got changed, after I made my way to Father's office.

"Hello father." I greeted going into his office.

"Hello Leo, how was your night?" Father said looking up from his paperwork

"Good" I muttered sitting on one of the chairs and leaning back.

"Did you look after Aurora last night, Ace told me you brought her home from the club last night."

"Yeah I did, she was drunk so I brought her home."

"Okay, good man, she's a special girl that one." Father mumbled going back to looking through his paperwork.

Trust me, I know.

A few hours later...

"Come on Matt" I said teasing him  while boxing with him. He tried to hit me in the face but I swerved it, he's too easy. Matt is a part of our mafia.

We gave up and started fighting each other with the boxing gloves still on.
We were messing around when we were  interrupted by father coming in after being on the phone with Ace for the last hour.

"Leo get cleaned up we have to go the De Luca's." Father said starting to leave.

"Okay" I said too tired to ask why. I went to my room and went for a quick shower and got changed into a fresh black suit.

When I got downstairs mother and father were waiting.

"Do you want to go in your own car sweetheart? "Mother asked next to father.

"Yeah I will I'll meet ye there."I said before leaving.

On the drive there I wondered what this meeting was about, Its probably just about the mafia.

When I got there mother and father weren't there yet. I pulled up in the driveway and saw Aurora's car. I pulled up beside it and got out and went to the house. I opened the door and saw Nikolai laughing with Aurora in the kitchen.

She looked beautiful.

When she saw me she stopped laughing and sat down on the stool and didn't say anything.

"Hi Nik" I said greeting him and sitting down on the other stool beside Aurora.

I talked with Nikolai for a few minutes before mother and father came in the front door. Ace and Victoria came down the stairs and they said their "Hello's " before they called us all to the large table.

Me, Nikolai and Aurora went to the table wondering what was going on.
Aurora sat down on the chair infront of me and Nikolai sat beside me.

Father and Ace were looking serious looking back and fourth at each other.
What the hell is going on??
Ace started speaking and I leaned back into the chair listening carefully.

"As you know me and Luca are very good friends and he helped me save Victoria which I will forever be thankful for. I owe him a favour for that,so that is why we have came up with a good solution that will salvage both of our mafias name for eternity. The South American mafia have become a threat to both our mafia's  and we need to keep you guys safe -Ace said looking at Me, Nikolai and Aurora - and me and Luca know you might not like it but it will have to do for now. "

"What do you mean the South American mafia are a threat to us?"I asked Ace.

"They see us as a threat and they want to take both mafia's out." Father said taking over from Ace.

"Okay what's this solution you guys have come up with? "

I was waiting for father to say we're joining the mafias together but it didn't come. Ace and father looked at each other.

"Dad just spit it out already?" Nikolai asked confused and bored.

"Luca, Chiara and Leo will be moving in with us for a while." Ace said.

I was not expecting that. We're moving in. I looked over to see Aurora's reaction and her face has gone pale and she's looking down at the table.

On the outside I didn't show anything but I on the inside I was smiling because we both know where this is gonna go.

Aurora's going to be seeing me EVERYDAY and there's not a god damn thing she can do about it.

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