CHAPTER 9: The Project

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When I woke up in the morning I was in a good mood despite last night with Leo acting his usual scheming ways

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When I woke up in the morning I was in a good mood despite last night with Leo acting his usual scheming ways.
I got dressed into a nice comfy outfit and put some light makeup on.

I gathered all the notes on my desk into a neat pile so it will be easier for when Josh arrives as we will put our notes together and turn it into a PowerPoint.

I made my way downstairs to get some breakfast. "Hi mom" I greeted as I walked into the kitchen. Mom was having coffee at the table.

"Goodmorning Rory."Mom smiled as she got up and hugged me before washing her coffee cup.

Mom has called me 'Rory' which is short for Aurora ever since I was younger, Nikolai used to say Rory when we were a few years old  because he couldn't say Aurora and mom just started saying it and it's stuck.

"How was your double date?" I asked teasingly.

"It was really fun, we went to this really posh restaurant and we talked for hours, it was great, it really was." Mom said smiling.

"How is dad with everything?"

"He's fine, him and Luca are coming up with the best possible solution and everything will be fine, everything will go back to normal." Mom said as if she was trying to convince herself of what she said.

"Don't worry mom, it's going to be fine, I promise, you know dad he's a mafia boss, and he's got Felix and Luca's help."I said trying to comfort her.

"Yeah I know Rory."Mom says pulling me in for a hug.

"I love you mom".I say hugging her. "I love you too". Mom says.

An hour later....

Mom dad and I were in the kitchen and I was talking about last night's dinner with Sofia and Raquel and mom said that Elijah, Rya, Felix, Brie and Sofia and Raquel should come visit us the weekend.

"Yeah that would be great mom". I agreed excited for seeing the girls again.

"Yeah that's a good idea, love". Dad said kissing mom's forehead.

Mom and dad were making a plan and I was just listening when Leo and Sandra came down the stairs. Leo was shirtless wearing a loose tracksuit.

Sandra's hair was a mess and her makeup was all over her face but she was still really pretty, I've got to give her that.

"Goodmorning". Leo said groggily as he entered the kitchen.

"Goodmorning Leo" Mom said.
"Morning Leo". Dad mumbled looking on his phone.

I looked at Sandra who was standing there awkwardly with her heels in her hand.

"Hi Sandra". I said smiling.

"Hi Aurora". Sandra said smiling.

Mom and dad said 'Hi' to Sandra before they left.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" I asked kindly because Leo was just standing there on his phone.

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