CHAPTER 5:Just My Luck

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"Luca, Chiara and Leo will be moving in with us for awhile"

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"Luca, Chiara and Leo will be moving in with us for awhile".


I froze and stared down at the table, This is just my luck,first me realizing that I'm still in love with Leo, and now he's going to be moving into my house and I just know he's going to torment me everyday so that I will never get over him.

I can feel his eyes on me and I can tell he's loving this,Leo is going to be in this house living with me and I won't be able to avoid him.

The rest of the 'meeting' I listened carefully to dad and Luca talking about how our living situation is gonna work.

"We have enough guest bedrooms so you guys can situate wherever you want". Mom said to Chiara, Luca and Leo.

We have 5 guest bedrooms situated all around the house. We have 2 on the ground floor, 1 on the second floor where me and Nikolai are, and 2 on the top floor where mom and dad are.

Leo smirked and made eye contact with me and I knew straight away what he was going to say.

"I'll take the room opposite Aurora's."

And there it is.

I sighed and leaned back into the chair and thought about how this is gonna end.

Dad nodded at Leo and turned and made a small smile at me to make sure I was okay with it,I gave a small nod to reassure him even though I wasn't okay with it.

Mom and Chiara are looking forward to living together but I can tell their both worried. I know it's going to be okay. Dad and Luca are going to think of a plan and then we can go back to our normal lives.

I looked at Leo and he was already staring at me, I rolled my eyes and looked away, I bet he can't wait to torment me when he's living here,but I promised myself that I won't fall for his tricks so I can't and I won't fall for them.

"Felix, Brie,Elijah and Rya are going to my private penthouse with Raquel and Sofia,no one knows about the penthouse so they will all be safe."Dad said to everyone.

"How far away is the penthouse? "I asked worried, I hope it's not far away because I don't know what I'll do if I can't see Raquel and Sofia.

"It's in Rome but they can fly out on the private jet every few days, and we'll need Elijah and Felix to help us come up with a plan to get rid of the South American mafia."

I nodded, it's going to be be fine it's only going to be for a few weeks... Hopefully.


It's been a few hours and Leo, Luca and Chiara are gone home. I'm in my room doing my college work listening to some music. Leo, Chiara and Luca are moving in tomorrow but I'll be at college so thankfully I won't see Leo's smug face when he's moving into the room opposite mine.

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