CHAPTER 7:Who Will Win The Game

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When Aurora left I was angry

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When Aurora left I was angry. She thinks she will get over me but she won't, she just kissed me after I gave her the smallest bit of attention and that just proves my point, I'm not gonna lie I liked kissing her.

I went back to my room and finished unpacking my things. I only brought some things because we won't be here for long. Father and Ace will get get rid of the South American mafia and we will all go back to our normal lives.
Ace said to act as if this is our home so I'm going to do just that.

When I finished unpacking my things, I went to see what Nikolai was doing and of course he was in the kitchen eating.

"Nikolai."I greeted going to the kitchen and getting a shot of vodka.

"Hi Leo" Nikolai said stuffing his mouth.

"Do you know what's wrong with Aurora, she seemed upset when she left?"Nikolai asked worried.

I shook my head meaning no.
"Maybe she had a rough day at college or maybe she doesn't want to say goodbye to the girls, their leaving later." I suggested acting clueless.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that". Nikolai remembered as he finished eating.

"Do you wanna go to a club, I'm bored as fuck." I asked.

Nikolai smiled in happiness.
"Yeah let's go,Let me get ready first."He said making his way to the stairs, I nodded and went on my phone while I waited.

Mother and Father went on a double date with Ace and Victoria so they won't notice we're gone. We don't need protection because we're fully trained to protect ourselves as we're going to be the future leaders to our mafia,I'm always armed when I go somewhere incase anything happens.

A few minutes later Nikolai came down and we left to go the club. On the way there we talked about the South American mafia and how we're going to destroy them for daring to mess with our families.

When we arrived at the club, we were swarmed with women as per usual.
Nikolai and I separated as we talked to the women. I went to the bar to get myself a drink when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and looked at the person who was standing two inches from me, actually invading my personal space. She was a woman and her makeup was caked on and she was wearing a slutty dress.

"Hi handsome I.. I'm Sandra." She slurred flirting with her eyes, She seems like she'll make me forget about tonight.I ordered my drink and sat down on the chair and smiled at her. I took a hold of her hand and guided her to the chair in front of me.

"Hi Sandra I'm Leo". I smirked flirting confidently. It's the same every time I come to a club, women come and flirt with me and then we leave and fuck in the bathroom or other places. No strings attached, no feelings hurt, everyone's happy just the way it should be.

I love my life, I'm going to be the mafia Don of the Sicillian mafia in a few years when father retires. He says he will retire when he knows I'm ready to lead and when I'm stable in my life.

I'm not in a relationship and can have one night stands,no strings attached and still have fun. I don't have to give love to someone else, and I don't have to worry about anyone, except family.

Life is great, and this game with Aurora is even more exciting than I realised. I will show her that I'm the only one she'll ever love.

I'm gonna drive her crazy until she admits I won and trust me I will win.

Because I never lose. I always get what I want whether it's now or later, I always get what I want.

I will win this game, because she's my player and I'm going to play her until she can't take it anymore.

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