CHAPTER 6:Need Him More Then I Want To

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"And what am I doing Aurora?" Leo asks looking my body up and down until meeting my eyes

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"And what am I doing Aurora?" Leo asks looking my body up and down until meeting my eyes.

I look at him with an - are you being serious right now- look, and stay quiet for a second thinking about what I'm gonna say. He looks flirtatiously Into my eyes.

"That". I explain still leaning against the wall with Leo standing so close I can feel his minty breathe fan my face. Leo looked at me with a confused but intrigued look.

"What do you mean by that Aurora?" Leo asks leaning in closer while looking at my lips, I lick them in response. An image goes through my head of Leo leaning in and - Stop it brain... Your not letting him get to you remember.

"That, This."I say waving my hands to the position we're in, I push Leo's chest and move away, and his eyes widen in response as he falls back.

" I don't have time for this and I certainly don't have time for you as you try to play mind games with me. " I say grabbing my purse and phone attempting to leave but a hand pulls me back by my wrist.Leo pulls me in to his hard chest and wraps his hands around my waist tightly so I can't leave, I try to escape but fail  miserably.

"Leo let me go I don't have time for this." I say trying to get out of his strong hold,I look up at Leo when I give up on trying. He looks at me with a serious face as he speaks.

"Let's not pretend you don't love what's going on here Aurora", I look away from Leo's eyes and stare at his chest,"Let's not pretend you haven't been in love with me since you were a little kid" he explains as he pushes me backwards towards the wall "Let's not pretend that you've been in love with me all your life, and you may try to get over me, you may think your over me, but you always fall right back into my arms because you know deep down you will always be in love with me no matter how hard you try to deny it, because your mine Aurora, and you will always be mine". Leo says as he pushes me against the wall.

He reads my face to see what my next reaction is going to be, he averts his gaze to my lips.
I stare into his eyes trying to believe every single word he's saying I want to believe him, I do, but I know I shouldn't.

"Just stop Leo please" I whisper begging him to stop messing with me.

"We both know you want it Aurora, you have been dreaming of this moment your entire life."

Our bodies are inches apart and the tension is in the air and I want to kiss him so bad but I know I shouldn't but I really want to. He's right, I have been dreaming of this moment my entire life.

We both stayed silent for a moment while looking from each others eyes to lips and back to eyes. His lips, I so badly want kiss his lips.

Fuck it.

I fill the small space in between us as I lean in and kiss him,Leo has the same idea because he leans in and kisses me roughly, all oxegen is gone from my lungs as I kiss him, butterfly's arupt in my stomach as he kisses me, Shivers run through my body as he touches me. He kisses my lips before going down to the crook of my neck  to leave a mark. I move my head sideways and lay my head back against the wall as he devours it. I run my hand through his hair as he finishes off  before he takes ahold of my leg and holds it by his waist as his lips touch mine again.

We stay kissing for the next minute. There are no thoughts about what's gonna happen in a few minutes, what it's going to be like tomorrow, we're just kissing in the moment,that was until a ringing sound echoed the room, Leo groaned and let go of me.

I moved away from his hold and grabbed my phone. Sofia was ringing me, shit, I completely forgot about our dinner.

"It's Sofia". I said breathless to Leo who was the same. I answer the call while fixing my hair and dress.

"Hey Sof, I'm just leaving now, I'll be there as soon as I can". I explain.

"Yeah okay, me and Raquel are waiting, see you in a few." Sofia announces on the other line.

"Okay bye." I say ending the call,I turn to Leo who is leaning against the wall.

"I have to go Leo, I promised Sofia and Raquel dinner before they leave for Rome, but we can talk later when I get back. "I promised.

He looks at me in confusion.
"What do you mean talk later, what's there to talk about?"

I stood up straight and looked at him.
"Leo, we just kissed like two seconds ago, do you not remember?"I ask folding my arms.

He stands up straight and stares at me with a blank expression.
"Yeah so, we just kissed, it's not like we're getting married." He scoffs as if nothing happend between us.

I move my head side to side and start chuckling.

"I should of known this was another one of your tricks, I should've known you would do this,I finally got over you and you came and gave me hope for something that will never happen as you have made clear many times,and then when I'm going out you act like a jealous boyfriend and then you go and kiss me, and you say all this bullshit about me being yours and only yours, well its not true Leo."

He chuckles and walks towards me. I put my hand out to stop him before he can get any closer.

"Really?" He asks smirking.

"Yes really, I'm going to prove to you that I can move on."I announce being serious.

" I doubt it Aurora, you see I'm living here in this house with you and my room is literally next to yours and you kissed me I didn't kiss you so don't turn that on me, that was on you."

"So...I can just ignore you and about the kiss.. Shame on me for believing you actually felt the same and Don't worry Leo, I won't ever kiss you again"I say grabbing my things.

"We'll see". He says watching me.

"Yeah I guess, we'll see won't we." I say before storming out of my room leaving Leo standing there.


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