CHAPTER 11: Game On

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When I left Aurora in a flustered and breathless mess on her bed I went to Ace's office where my father was

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When I left Aurora in a flustered and breathless mess on her bed I went to Ace's office where my father was. Him and Ace were talking seriously.

"What's going on?" I asked. The South American mafia are beginning to get on my nerves now,a few days ago  Damon Morretti, the leader, sent assassins to kill us, he's too pussy to come kill us himself. When I get to him he's going to wish he never sent word to us, no one messes with my family and gets away with it.

Father looked at Ace and then looked back at me. "Damon has sent word to us."

"What did he say?"

Damon has probably asked for money.. Or he sent more dumb assassins to take us out. Ace picked up a sheet of paper and handed it to me.

It read..

Hello Ace and Luca, yes, I know about your little scheme to trick me into believing you have joined your mafias together, I am not persuaded by this mockery, IF you manage to persuade me you have joined your mafias together I will back down, I don't want any unnecessary bloodshed all I want is your businesses, but if you persuade me this plot is true I will back down and you can keep your precious mafias and I will leave you men alone and you both know aswell as I do I keep my word.

Hope to hear from you soon, Damon.

"How the fuck are we supposed to persuade this motherfucker we've joined mafias?"I questioned putting the sheet on Ace's desk roughly.

" That's what we're trying to figure out." Father said shaking his head.

" Look why don't we just gather our men and go down there and kill that  motherfucker and end this bullshit." I suggest.

" No we can't do that, I  killed Lorenzo
and his mafia and that caused alot of trouble."Ace said thinking about what to do.

When Ace killed Lorenzo, the leader of the Nigerian mafia it caused alot of problems for him. Lorenzo had made a previous deal with this Lunatic Simon who is dead now thanks to Ace. Simon kidnapped Victoria in order to get Ace to go there but Ace killed Simon before he could cause any harm to Victoria.

"What else are we going to do then?"

Before Ace could answer Nikolai walked in.

"What's going on?" Nikolai asked scanning all of our faces,Ace handed him the letter and he read it.

"What are we going to do?" He questioned annoyed.

"We don't know, the only thing we could do would be actually joining the mafias together but normally mafias  only do that when a member from each mafia gets married.

" No wonder Damons not persuaded" Nikolai scoffed chuckling.

" This isn't funny Nik". Ace scoffed pissed off.

"It kind of is if you think about it, it's the easiest solution."  "Nikolai". Ace interrupted Nik.

"No dad look, what if Leo and Aurora get married until we persuade this Damon guy and then they can end things." Nikolai says looking between me and Ace.

My eyes widen in surprise. This would  be good for me in the long run, just imagine Aurora and I husband and wife for a few months. It's a blessing in disguise.

"Nikolai no, you know Aurora would never agree to that and I don't want her involved in this." Ace said denying Nikolais suggestion.

Father sits down and sighs. "What if they were to get married do you think Damon would believe it?" He asks looking at Ace seriously.

"I don't know, he would never believe that they got married when there's no news of them even dating." Ace replied stressed.

"What about the yearly ball, Leo and Aurora could pretend to be all lovey dovey, Damon will see and bam step 1 completed. He won't think anything of it when they get married."Nikolai says pacing the room proud of his idea.

The yearly ball is the time when every mafia family in the world is under one roof.

"Thats not a bad idea and besides it would only be for a few months". I say agreeing with Nikolai's clever idea.

"That is true, what's the worst that could happen?" Luca says trying to convince Ace.

"I need to discuss it with Victoria and Aurora first before we make any decisions, but it's a good idea Nik, well done." Ace said to Nikolai proudly.

Aurora might pretend to hate the idea but she will want to get married to me deep down because after all I'm her first love and as for me, well it's another part of my plan to win this game. Love is a game after all, Till Death Do Us Part Aurora, or should I say until Damon backs the fuck off.

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