CHAPTER 20 : Pleasure And Passion

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If someone told me that I would eventually lose my virginity to Leo Grey I would not believe you

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If someone told me that I would eventually lose my virginity to Leo Grey I would not believe you. But here I am. With him.
So much has changed since the day he moved into my house. This started as me trying to prove to myself that I don't need him anymore. That I don't love him. To him, it was a game but everything has changed. I just know it.

"Oh god". I moan as Leo kisses my  neck, I squeeze his hair as he bites my neck and sucks on it after. He groans in my neck before roughly coming up and kissing me again, My bare legs are wrapped around his waist as he is pressed against me, I can feel him against me through his pants.

He moves his hand down between my legs to take it off, I can feel his arm moving along my clit which makes me moan against his lips. He removes his lips from mine and pulls down his pants and boxers.

I'm a virgin and I just know this is going to hurt loads but my body craves his touch and I want him so bad.

Leo sees my worried  look and smiles "Don't worry, I'll take it slow". He looks at me reassuringly.

"Okay". I whisper reassured.

Leo positions himself at my entrance before looking down at me.

"It will hurt for a moment but it won't last long, I promise." He says as he pushes himself in me slowly. I wince in pain before Leo places his lips on mine to distract me,he moves in and out of me slowly and the pain slowly goes away before it is replaced with pleasure. Our lips are in sync as he moves faster.

"Fuck!" Leo moans looking up at the ceiling. My eyes roll to the back of my head and my back arches as my walls clench around him
as I feel myself getting close to my climax.

Within seconds I'm in flames. I feel the pleasure run through my body. I'm on Cloud 9 right now. Nothing could be better. I feel Leo climax on top me before he collapses beside me on the bed.

For the next minute we lay there breathless looking up at the ceiling. I close my eyes thinking of what just happened.
I just lost my virginity to Leo Grey, my crush, my first love, and it couldn't of gone better. Our bodies were in sync as we moved against each other and it was full of passion and the way he kissed me, I loved every minute of it.

Leo turn over beside me and kisses me on the forehead before leaving to go the bathroom. I smile looking up at the ceiling feeling complete. Life couldn't get any better at this point.

I get up from the bed and put on Leo's shirt before climbing back into bed. Within minutes I'm drifting off into a deep sleep.

The next morning...

I open my eyes to see Leo getting dressed.

"Good morning". I smile sitting up.

"Morning". He mumbles as he puts on his shirt. I look at his chest before bringing myself back to reality.

"How did you sleep?" I ask gathering the duvet and pulling it towards me.

"I slept fine". Leo states sounding pissed off, I get off the bed and walk  towards him. He looks my body up and down before looking away.

"Whats wrong Leo..Do you.. Regret what we did last night?" I ask hurt.

"No, I don't regret last night, that's the point." He retorts angry.

"Why, do you want to regret last night?"
Of course it was too good to be true. I should've known.

Leo stops what he's doing and looks at me. "Aurora your Nikolai's sister, who is my best friend and I can't betray him like that".

"So, what I'm just your best friends sister, is that all I am to you... Are you being serious right now Leo." Leo stares at me blankly.

"Oh my god Leo, I lost my virginity to you, I gave myself to you and you do this. You always do this. You're never going to be with me are you? No matter what's going on between us you're never going to with me." Tears fill my eyes as I realise I made a terrible mistake and one that I can never ever take back.

I wanted to give my virginity to someone who I loved and who loved me back but it will never be him, he will never reciprocate what I feel for him. No matter how much I want him to.

"I'm sorry Aurora, I really am, I didn't want to hurt you."Leo says apologetically.

"It's too late Leo, you've already broken my heart. In fact I don't think you can break it any more." I truthfully say folding my arms. "I have defended you so many times for your actions. You treat me like shit, you play with my heart and expect me to always come back. But, no, this time is different. I won't let you hurt me again. You've gone too far this time, even for you, and don't use the 'your my best friends sister' line because we both know that's bullshit. You know just as well as I do that Nikolai knows what I feel for you. He's not stupid. If he had a problem with what I felt for you he wouldve said it to me.
You're only saying that so you don't have to commit to anything, to this, to us." I point between him and I." Well guess what Leo, it worked you won't have to commit to this, or whatever this was. It's over. "I say before storming off to the bathroom.

I lock the door and sit on the edge of the bathtub. I cry hating that I was so stupid and naive to think this would work. That he would change his ways to be with me. I actually thought he liked me, or maybe even loved me, but now I know for certain that it's not true. This was all just a game to him.


When I pull myself together I turn on the shower and get in. I can cry when I go home but for now I just need to be strong. A few minutes later I get out and wrap a towel around my body and dry myself. I look around the bathroom for my clothes but of course there not here. There in the bedroom. With Leo.

"Shit" I whisper sitting on the edge of the bath. I contemplate for the next minute whether or not just to sit here for an hour until Leo realises and puts my clothes outside the door, but i want to go home so I force myself to go to the door and do this myself. I sigh before unlocking the door.

I see Leo sitting on the bed watching something on his phone. I look to the corner of the room and see my clothes. He stands up when he sees me coming.

"Don't". I interrupt. I frankly dorn have the energy to hear his excuses. I grab my clothes and walk back to the bathroom.

A few hours later...

After an awkward ride home we finally arrived. I got out of the car as fast as I could and made my way inside. I said a quick hello to everyone and went to my room.

Mom told me that Sofia and Raquel went shopping so they won't be back till later,but I'm not going to tell them about last night because I feel too ashamed to admit the fact I gave myself to a stupid guy who will never feel the same. And the fact that it's Leo will make it even worse. They always told me that he would hurt me. I was just too stupid to believe otherwise.

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