CHAPTER 18: The Dinner

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"Ahh". I groan waking up with a pounding headache, what was I  thinking when I drank that much, I have never drank that much ever.

My eyes widen as I begin to remember last night. Leo wanting to kiss me, me wanting him to kiss me, him undressing me and him going hard against me.


I have to go to dinner with him this evening and knowing what he's like when we do anything remotely such  as talking.. Or even flirting, he always acts like nothing happend and wears that infuriating smirk on his face.

I lay back and hit my pillow with a soft thud, I close my eyes and glide my fingers through my hair. "Fuck" I whisper to myself as I realize how much I fucked up last night.But I was drunk.. So I can't be that mad at myself, I was wasted, I wasn't in my right mind.

I groan at myself mentally as I reach over to get my phone from my nightstand. The time is 12:42. Okay I should still have a while to get ready.

I get up from my bed which was a real  struggle and head to my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and I see the visable bags under my eyes, my hair looks like I haven't brushed in a decade and I look like I woke up from the dead.. Great.

My mind goes back to last night and I remember Leo took my makeup off. A smile appears on my face as I look at myself in the mirror.

I shake away the thoughts from last night and get my towels from my basket and get undressed and get into the shower. After a while I decide to get out because I need to find out about  tonight and me and Leo might have to pretend date for the day in preparation for tonight.

I'm certainly not looking forward to having dinner with Damon and his son, or whoever the hell he is,  but I remind myself it's for Dad and this mafia. I will do whatever it takes to protect my family.

When I get changed into the first outfit I see, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen. Mom,dad and the others must be in the office because no one was in the kitchen except for our maid Audrey.

Audrey has been here for years, she's like family. She was mom's maid when dad took mom to fake marry him but now Audrey just does whatever. We have other maids but I never really see them.

"Good morning Audrey". I say going to one of the presses in the kitchen.

"Good morning Aurora, how are you today?" Audrey asks.

"I'm good thanks, I have a dinner with Leo tonight with Damon and his son."
I say as I make myself some coffee.

"Oh yeah, Victoria was saying that to me earlier." She says.

"Do you know where everyone is? It's never usually this quiet especially when the whole family is here". I ask before taking a sip of my coffee.

"Everyone's in your father's office, except for Raquel and Sofia, there still sleeping I believe."Audrey says smiling at the end of the sentance.

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