CHAPTER 42 : Leo

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9 months later

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9 months later....

"I have the Information that you asked for about the last drug hit boss". One of my men said handing me a file.

"Thanks Alex".I say taking the file and putting it on my desk.

Last week I had an import of drugs but some imbecile stole them and no one steals from me. This imbecile is, scratch that, was from the Mexican mafia but they kicked him out. This ex mafia member is known as Eduardo Flores.

I caught him trying to escape through the Mexican border with my drugs but an old friend of mine Dante found him and delivered him to my men. I have security cameras everywhere so it wasn't hard to find him.

"He's  ready for you boss". Another one of my men said standing at the doorway.


I get up from my desk and and close my suit button. I check my watch. "Make sure everything is ready by the time I get down there."I order him. Lucarius is due to wake up from his nap soon and he will need to be fed.

Just as I assumed the guy scurried away. I sigh and take out my phone as I wait. I have a text from Aurora.

Aurora:Hey babe, I'll be home soon,I just have a couple more patients xxx I have exciting news. How's your day? Love you.

A couple months after Lucarius was born Aurora got the job as a psychologist. I'm proud of her. She worked her ass off in college. I remember I hardly ever saw her as she was always at college or sleeping. She was such a sleepyhead.

Me: Hi love, good, I miss you, can't wait to hear. I'll finally have some action for the day. Same old boring mafia stuff, I wouldn't want to bore you with it. See you soon, love you more.

I put my phone back in my pocket and made my way to the basement. I grab a gun from one of the shelves, I want this to be as effortless as possible because I'm too tired to interrogate him.

I open the door and I'm met with a screaming Eduardo who is chained to a chair with a blindfold in his mouth.

I close the door and groan in annoyance. I don't  have enough energy for this shit.

"Hello Eduardo."I smile before shooting him between his eyes.

"Bye Eduardo."

"Clean this up please." I motion my hand to the pool of blood now formed on the ground. I leave and unbutton my suit jacket.

I need a shower and a nap ASAP.

20 minutes later....

After my shower to wash off the blood splatter from my face, I go to me and Aurora's bedroom and put on a pair of sweatpants. I go to Lucarius's room where he is wide awake and smiling as usual.

"Hello Luc. " I smile, lifting him up from his cot and putting him on the changing press to change his diaper.

"There you go". I say, after putting a fresh one on and putting the old one in the bin. I lift him up and bring him towards me and Aurora's bedroom.

I sit on the bed with him on my lap. I feed him a bottle that I got from the fridge before my shower.

"Drink up son." I say putting the bottle in his mouth as he looks up at me with his brown eyes.

10 minutes later he's asleep in my arms. I lay him down gently next to me and cover him with a blanket and rub his forehead with my thumb before I go to sleep as I wait for Aurora to come home to me.

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