CHAPTER 12 : Dating My First Love, What A Dream Right, Wrong, It's A Disaster

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When Leo left me breathless after that moment I sat on my bed thinking about it

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When Leo left me breathless after that moment I sat on my bed thinking about it. We have never been that close to one another ever, he has never even touched me let alone the fact that he was between me and I could feel him rubbing against me.

When I got my act together I went to shower to get rid of today's events and other things and feelings. Leo knows what he has done to me, I'm rattled but I'm going to win this game and the only way to win is to ignore every little trick he has up his sleeve.

One thing you need to know about me is that I always finish what I start.

After my long shower I watched some  Netflix on my TV, my all time favourite TV show is Teen wolf, I love it mainly for the plot, and the plot is Stiles.

After a while I got bored and I was hungry so I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. I saw mom and dad whispering something to each other but thought nothing of it, it's probably just the South American mafia Buissness.

"Hey guys. "I greeted going to the fridge getting some fruit so I can  make a smoothie.

" Hey sweetheart. " Mom said.

I turned around because the silence in thr room was loud. Mom and dad were looking at each other with a look that screamed - you should tell her, and the other person is like no you should tell her-

"What's going on? " I asked confused and slightly worried for what there answer was going to be.

"Why don't you sit down, love." Dad said,I obeyed and sat down in front of them both. This must be serious because dad is never usually this nervous and stressed about something.

"As you know the South American mafia want to take over both the Sicillian and Italian mafia and we're trying to persuade Damon that we have joined mafias."

"Okay, is this Damon guy persuaded? " I asked still confused and worried for where this conversation is going to lead.

"No he's not love, he sent a letter saying he's not convinced but if  we manage to persuade him he will back out and leave both mafias alone, and he will, all I know about him is that he keeps his word, many mafias have made countless deals with him and he has always followed through no matter the circumstance."

"Okay, so what do we need to do to persuade him, are you and Luca going to join mafias and share the business? "

"We thought of that but that only happens when a member from each mafia gets married which bonds the mafia empire."

"What else are you going to do then, get married to one of the Greys? "I said jokily to lighten the mood. Mom and dad looked at each other with a guilty and defeated look.

"What's going on mom?" I asked mom hoping she would tell me because the suspense is killing me.

"Rory we're asking you if you would marry Leo, just until Damon is persuaded and then you guys can call it quits."Mom said as she caressed my hand.

What the fuckity fuck. Marriage? Marrying Leo? What??

I froze as I tried to take in everything mom was saying. This is not good, this is not good at all, but one thing I know is that I will do anything to save dad's mafia so if I have to I will marry Leo and deal with this marriage for a few weeks, months at the most.

"It would just be for a few months, but if you don't feel comfortable with it, we can come up with something else." Dad said with a little smile assuring me that I have the choice in this.

"What would we have to do to persuade Damon that we're married?" I asked imagining all the things we would have to do. A few months ago I would have been low-key happy but now, I'm proving to him that I'm over him and now we might have to kiss, and act all lovey dovey like most married people do.

"Whatever makes you guys comfortable." Mom replied.

"Yes, whatever makes you comfortable, the yearly ball takes place in a few weeks so there we will spread the word around that you and Leo are dating and that will get back to Damon, I don't know if he's going to be at the ball but if he is, all the better, and a few weeks later you and Leo  get engaged and maybe Damon might be persuaded before you even get married. It might not even get as far as marriage, Aurora."

I thought about it for a second before responding. It might not even go as far as marriage just as dad said. All Leo and I will have to do is kiss and pretend to be in love with each other, it shouldn't be that hard.

"I'll do it".I said agreeing to the fake marriage. It will only be for a little while and besides this is the perfect chance to get in the lead in this childish game me and Leo are playing.
I prove to him I'm fully over him and he will try to prove that I will never get over him but this is the perfect opportunity to prove him wrong.

"Really?"Mom said surprised that I agreed that fast. Her eyes widened at that fact and dad looked relieved.

"Does Leo know?" I asked wondering if he was the one who came up with this insane but yet convincing idea.

"Yeah he does, he agreed straight away, he thinks it will be easy to convince Damon that this is true." Dad said chuckling.

Of course he did.

"Nikolai came up with the idea". Dad said with a proud look on his face.

"Did he?" I asked surprised. I'm proud of Nik because its actually a smart idea despite of the circumstances.

"Leo, Nik, Luca and Chiara are waiting in the office for your answer, should we go tell them?"Mom asked smiling.

"Yeah okay let's go." I said as I got up from my chair and walked towards dad's office with mom and dad behind me.

I'm just waiting to see Leo's smug face when dad tells him I agreed to us fake dating.

This is going to go great.

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