CHAPTER 17: "A Part Of Me Will Always Love You."

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After a few very long and painful seconds of Leo staring at me intensely with his same old smirk on his face with that "I win" look on his face

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After a few very long and painful seconds of Leo staring at me intensely with his same old smirk on his face with that "I win" look on his face. Sofia and Raquel left the room to let me and Leo speak in private.

They left and closed and the door, the room was silent for a moment. Leo stood a few metres away from me with his arms folded proud of his little victory. Before he could say anything I decided to bruise it.

"Don't say, "I knew you were still in love with me" or "I told you so" ... Okay, Please.. Just don't."

"I didn't say anything." Leo spoke staring at me.

"I know what your thinking." I said sitting down on the bed in a low voice but Leo still made out what I said

"So I guess I won huh". Leo said sitting down beside me.

I laughed a small bit... "Yeah Leo, you've won this little game of ours."

"And you talked such a big game". Leo mocked chuckling.

"I know". I said embarrassed,It's true I talked such a big game to Leo and I was a bit of a brat.. And a tad bitchy aswell but it is what it is.

"So your still in love with me.. After all these years?" Leo asked.

I looked up from the ground expecting to see a smirk displayed in Leo's face but there was nothing.. He was simply looking at me.

"I will always be in love with you Leo, I think I've always known that, but I wanted to prove to you that I wasn't because for a bit I thought I was.... but Then you kissed me and I fell straight into your arms again...and were being so arrogant and confident about it and I just wanted to prove you wrong.. for once."

"And if one day I do manage to get over you... I think there will always be a part of me that will always love you." There was silence in the room for a moment.

"I'm sorry about the kiss.. I admit I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry for being my arrogant and confident self." Leo said laughing at the end of the sentance.

"Stop!"I laughed.

When we settled down I wondered why Leo was even by my door when I was talking. I know his bedroom is next door but he went to discuss Buissness with the others when I left him.

"Why were you leaning against my doorway anyway?" I asked genuinely interested.

"I came to tell you that we have to go to dinner with Damon and his son tomorrow night.. To continue persuading him that we're dating before the ball."

"Really?, I was supposed to be spending time with Raquel and Sofia for the weekend." I said pissed off. Why can't this Damon guy fuck off and leave us alone and admit the fact that our mafia is better, like big deal.. Just Deal with it.

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