Vol 1: chapter 1

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6th November 1983

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6th November 1983

I get out of my car with my little brother will, "Got everything Will the wise?" I say as I open his car door. "Yep!" He says as we walk up the path to the Wheeler house. "You don't need to come in with me Josie, I'll be fine." Will says as Mrs Byers opens the door to us. "I like your friends, it would be rude for me not to say hi." I say opening the basement door. "Will!! Your here!" His friends call as he goes down the stairs. "Hey Josie, we're getting pizza tonight do you want me to save you a slice?" One of the boys says to me, Dustin I think his name is. "Oh thanks Dustin but I won't be back tonight." I say giving him a smile. "Oh your not staying for the game?" Another boy says, "leave her alone Lucas she doesn't want to hang out with you." Mike says to the other boy. "Right I'm off, have fun guys, don't let it drag on late or I'll have your heads." I say before leaving.

"Oh hey Josie I didn't know you would be here." Nancy says as I head to the front door. "Oh yeah I was just dropping Will off, there playing dnd today." I say back, we have been best friends for years. "Oh cool, I'm studying with barb tonight do you want to join us?" She says motioning to her bedroom door where barb is sitting inside reading a book. "Oh thanks but no thanks I have to um get home." I say quickly. "Oh okay. I'll see you at school tomorrow." "Okay bye nance, tell barb I said hi." I say hurrying out. Phew

"Hey Jo, I missed you." A voice says behind me as I get to a bench in the forest what weirdly smells like drugs. "Oh god Steve you scared me!" I say laughing as Steve wraps his hand around my waist and kisses me. "Where were you?" He says running his fingers through my hair. "At Nancy's house." I say awkwardly, Steve is Nancy's boyfriend. "Oh, did she say anything?" He said smugly. "Don't look all smug, you know I don't like doing this. She's my best friend. Just dump her already." I say moving his hands off my waist and sitting on the bench. "You know I can't do that." He says moving to sit next to me. "Why not? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?" I say scooting further away from him. "No Josie it's not that, I love you but I love Nancy more." He says trying to grab a hold of me. "Oh so why are you doing all this behind her back if you love her so much? I guess you won't mind if I tell her then, she won't care because you love her more huh?" I say getting off the bench and grabbing my bag. "Oh Jo don't be like this, you know I didn't mean it like that." He says chasing after me. "Go away Steve." I say speed walking to my car. "Not until you look at me!" He says running in-front of me. "Steve move." I say trying to get in-front of him. "Come on jo don't be like this." He says trying to grab my hips again.

"I think she told you to move." A voice says from behind me. "Do you want something freak?" Steve says, I turn around and see Eddie. "Yes actually, I want you to leave her alone, she clearly doesn't want to be with you." He says getting between us both. "Eddie just leave it." I say pulling him back. "Oh what are you two like buddies now? You can't get mad at me for being with Nancy while your with this guy." Steve grimaces. "Firstly I'm not with Eddie and secondly it's not the same at all, I'm not dating anyone your dating her. Now get out of my fucking way Steve." I say pushing past him and tossing Eddie the keys to my car. "Your driving." I say before getting in. "Bye Steve." I say as Eddie drives off leaving him standing there.

"Wow what a dick." Eddie says handing me a cigarette. "I know right." I say lighting it up. "What we're you doing anyways? That's our spot, not your hook up spot I do business there, don't want my clients to walk in on you and Steve the hair Harrington." Eddie says as I light his up for him. "Oh shut up Eddie, they would love it really." I say laughing. "Hey is that your brother?" Eddie says pointing at Johnathon with his camera. "Yeah who's he taking a picture of?" I say looking around. "Nancy wheeler apparently." Eddie says pointing to Nancy and Steve outside the movie theatre. "I've told Johnathon he can't spy on Nancy anymore it's creepy." I say rolling my eyes, but mostly at the fact Steve is with Nancy just minutes after I was. " I thought Nancy was hanging out with barb, what happened?" I say looking for barb but she's nowhere to be found. "Maybe she ditched her." Eddie says throwing his cigarette out the window. "Your uncle home?" I say throwing mine out too. "Nope." He says before speeding off.

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