Vol 2: chapter 7

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"I wish I was Russian after the stunt you pulled!" I say as she gets into the car

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"I wish I was Russian after the stunt you pulled!" I say as she gets into the car. "I'm sorry! I thought i was helping! I regretted it straight after I didn't think that kid would actually do it for a couple quarters, I hope Billy didn't freak out I'm really sorry!" Robin says and I laugh. "Your a strange girl you know that, I don't understand you." I say and she looks worried. "I'm not strange I just have a bunch of uncalculated urges." She says and I look at her with a weird expression. "Yeah I can tell. I don't mean it in a bad way Robin." I say grabbing a joint from under my seat. "You have drugs everywhere how hasn't your parents found them?" She says laughing. "I never told you my parents haven't found them." I say teasingly. "It's obvious, you would be like chaperoned if you had been found out, I know your mom remember?" Robin says handing me the lighter I was looking for. "Smartass." I say lighting it.

"Where do you live?" I say and she looks confused. "Why?" She says and I gesture to the road. "Oh! Right I live near chief hopper, his new house in the forest." She says gesturing for me to make a turn. "He moved?" I say as she tells me the way. "Yeah a few months back, he's weird he goes into the forest everyday with food and comes back without it, like he's giving it to animals or something, he's a weird guy." Robin says as we pull into her road. "What like donuts and stuff?" I say pulling outside her house. "No like packs of Eggos, he must buy hundreds a week." Robin says as she unbuckles her seatbelt. "Thanks for the ride, I'll see you tomorrow, well a few hours now." Robin says and she runs off into her backyard to sneak back in.

When I get home it's around 5am, Bob will be up in a few minutes, he's an early riser, well he tries to sneak out before we get up but he's loud so we wake up anyways. I try and sneak into my bedroom where I see Will sitting on my bed with the lights off. "Holy shit Will what the fuck are you doing?" I whisper and he grabs onto me. "Where were you?" He says, he seems scared. "I was out why?" I say sitting next to him, he's shivering. "Why are the windows open! It's freezing how aren't you cold?" I say rushing to close them. "I'm really hot." He says "your shivering will, don't be stupid." I say grabbing a blanket. "How was trick or treating? Did Johnathon stay with you?" I say, Johnathon was at the party. "It was good, I got loads of candy, so did Johnathon." He says, lying through his teeth. "You stayed with him the whole time?" I question. "Yeah." Will lies again. "Even when he was with me at a party?" I say and Will goes silent.

"I told him to leave, nobody else had a chaperone, I didn't want to feel even more like a freak, my older brother shouldn't have to make sure that I'm safe trick or treating." He says and I hug him. "Understandable, was that ginger girl with you? Max." I say and he nods. "She's nice." I say. "Yeah dustin and Lucas have huge crushes on her!" He says laughing slightly. "Oo someone's in love!" I say laughing too. "She not catch your eye then?" I say and he goes silent again. "Oo maybe she hasn't but someone else has!" I say poking him, he's still silent. "Okay fine don't tell me about her but you better tell me before Johnathon! He will never let me live it down!" I say and he forces a laugh. "Your freezing this blanket is doing nothing! Get into bed it will be warmer! You have to get up in a hour get some shut eye!" I say and he rolls his eyes and gets out of my room to get an extra hour sleep.

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