Vol 1: chapter 18

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"So what exactly do we need to get?" I say as we walk into a gun store

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"So what exactly do we need to get?" I say as we walk into a gun store. "Anything you can find what can kill a huge murderous creature I guess." Nancy says picking up a Russian revolver. "Fucking hell Nancy, nice gun." I say picking up a bat. " do you reckon I could put like nails in the bat? It would look badass." I say swinging it around. "Sure." Johnathon says filling a cart of weapons. "You look like a man on a mission fucking hell." I say pointing the bat to his cart. "Well I wanna kill that thing." He says as we head to the cashier. "What are you kids doing with all this?" The cashier says raising an eyebrow. "Um." Johnathon says. "Monster hunting." Nancy says and I nudge her. "Eh?" The cashier says before handing us the bill. "Fuck you got cash?" I say to Johnathon as we all go through our pockets. "Nancy your the richest, all yours." I say as she pulls money out of her pocket. "Why did I know you would say that." She says rolling her eyes. "You know me so well." I say as we leave the shop and put everything in my car. "You know, last week. I was shopping for a new top I thought Steve might like. It took me and Barb all weekend. It seemed like life or death, you know? And... and now-" Nancy starts as I walk behind them on the way to the town. "You're shopping for bear traps with Jonathan Byers." Johnathon says laughing. "Yeah." She says smiling. "What's the weirdest part? Me or the bear trap?" Johnathon says smiling too. "You. It's definitely you." She says laughing. "Can you guys just fuck already?" I say and they both turn to look at me. "What? We're all thinking it!" I say as they roll their eyes.

"Hey Nance! Can't wait to see your new movie!" One of the jocks say honking at us. "What the fuck?" I say as Nancy runs to the movie theatre. "What?" Johnathon says to me, following her. "Holy shit." I say as I see a huge spray paint sign saying 'Nancy the slut Wheeler'. "Oh nance." I say before she heads to the alley next to it. "Tommy you write like a three year old." Carol says laughing. "Shut up!" He replies putting his arm around her. "I didn't know you could spell." Nicole says, god I hate Nicole. "Aww hey there princess." Carol says gesturing to Nancy. "Uh-oh, she looks upset." Tommy mocks. "What is wrong with you!" Nancy yells as Steve approaches her. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?
I was worried about you. I can't believe that I was actually worried about you." Steve says scoffing. Johnathon isn't here yet. "What are you talking about?" Nancy says looking at me. "I wouldn't lie if I were you. You don't want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?" He says as Johnathon turns the corner. "Speak of the devil.Hi." He says waving at Johnathon. "You came by last night?" Nancy says looking annoyed. "Ding! Ding! Ding! Does she get a prize?" Tommy says and Steve shoots him a look.
"Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but it wasn't like that." Nancy says "What, you just let him into your room to... study? Or for another pervy photo session? Josie made it clear about what you were doing." He says and Nancy looks at me annoyed.

"We we're just-" she starts. "You were just what?
Finish that sentence. Finish the sentence." Steve says and is met with silence. "Go to hell Nancy." He says backing away. "Come on, Nancy, let's just leave." Johnathon says, causing Steve to look back at him.
"You know what, Byers? I'm actually kind of impressed. I always took you for a queer, but I guess you're just a little screw-up like your father." He says riling Johnathon up. "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that house is full of screw-ups. You know, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. A bunch of screw-ups in your family." He continues before looking at me. "What the fuck are you saying?" I say before Johnathon pulls me back. "Jonathan, leave it." Nancy says trying to pull him back too. "I mean, your mom... I'm not even surprised what happened to your brother." He says and I break free from Johnathon's grasp. "Don't you talk about my fucking mom or will, I will fuck you up." I say going forward to him before Johnathon grabs me again. Causing laughter from all 4 of them. "Steve, shut up!" Nancy says causing them to laugh more. "I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you, but the Byers, their family, it's a disgrace to the entire—" he starts but is cut off from a sharp punch from a Johnathon who threw me to the floor to punch him. "YES JOHNATHON!" I say cheering him on. "Steve!" Nancy yells trying to break it up. "Kick his ass man!" Tommy says. "He's going to hurt himself!" Carol yells trying to break it up as-well. Sirens are heard in the distance. "COPS!" Tommy yells and the fight breaks up. "Shit." I say running as the cops run to catch Johnathon.

I run as far as I can, and find myself in an alley somewhere, I shouldn't have left Johnathon but cops are out for me, I have drugs on me left right and centre. "Catching your breath?" Steve says panting next to me. "Fuck off." I say moving to face the other way. "What? He deserved it!" He says moving to stand next to me. "Fuck sake Steve I lied last night! Our dad came home so we had to crash somewhere else! Nancy was nice enough to let us stay! I just wanted to make you mad!" I say and he looks annoyed. "So I just ruined my relationship for one of your stupid jokes?" He says angrily. "Oh please sue was going to dump you anyways, and there's no coming back from that little stunt." I say laughing. "Fuck sake Josie, why do you have to be so self centred!" He says moving away. "Me self centred? You can talk! You make fun of my family when you have no idea on what we're going through! My dads back and we're scared! My mom is depressed! My little brother is dead and now my other brother is in jail! While you live in your little suburban home, as an only child, the only problems you have is if your parents will be coming home earlier so you can't have your party." I say trying to walk away. "My parents are never home! All I can do is have parties! I hate staying their all alone! It's lonely, that's why I have so many parties so it doesn't feel so empty! I may be rich but that doesn't mean I don't have problems!" He yells and chases after me. "Are you trying to compete?" I say and he pulls me up against the wall. "Your not the only person with problems, yes yours is worse. But we all take care of them differently, you with drugs. Me with popularity." He says looking down at me.

"Oh popularity, is that all you care about?" I say rolling my eyes and trying to get away. "I care about you." He says going in for the kiss. "Oh what about Nancy? A minute ago you cared about her so much!" I say dodging. "Oh come on, me and Nancy are perfect, we just fit, that's why I made such a big effort. People expected us. Nobody would expect us, nobody would like it. I do care, but I need my popularity like you need your drugs." He says and I lean into his ear to whisper something. "I hope some rich Californian boy or something comes and steals that popularity you love so much, and I will be enough for him. You will be forgotten." I say and he looks taken back. "That's low, even for you." He says moving his hand. "Like you would know". I say moving away and he grabs my arm. "Nobody will even compare to me, you know that. Nobody will love you like I love you, nobody can do what I do to you." He says tracing kisses on my wrist. "Oh really?" I could teach anyone to do what I want." I say arching my arm, giving him more space to work on. "Nobody knows your sweet spots like me, nobody can know your body more than me." He says putting the kisses higher up my arm. "Nothing what can't be taught." I say tipping his chin upwards to look me in the eye. "Nobody can make you happy like I do." He says planting kisses on my neck. "I'm happy all the time." I say squirming slightly. "Nobody knows your favourite spots like I do." He says moving the kisses onto my collarbone. "I can tell them." I say as he tries to move my top down. "Why is your top so tight?" He says trying to move it down. "It's 5 years old." I say and he lifts it over my head. "I can buy you a new one." He says planting kisses on my breast. "Anyone can buy me whatever I want." I say arching my back. "I love you." He says looking me in the eyes. "Well everyone loves me." I say as he pushes me against the wall, kissing me vigorously, kisses moving down my body. "Oh Steve." I say and he moves lower. "Nice to see you on your knees for me." I say looking down at him and he winks. "Steve people might see, this isn't exactly a private location." I say as he tries to unbutton my jeans. "Who cares, give them a show, they might throw money." He says moving them down.

"STEVE!" Tommy calls as he turns the corner. "Fuck sake." He says getting up. "Steve give me your jacket." I say as Carol sees me half naked, pulling my jeans back up. "Oh did we interrupt something?" She says laughing. "Jacket!" I say and he hands it to me. "Stevey boy already moved on!" Tommy says and Nicole glares at me. "Are you sure nancys the slut? I think she's a bigger one. A fucking dirty alley, prostitute alley." Nicole says and Steve lashes out. "Shut up Nicole." He says and she looks taken back. "Your seriously not defending her?" Carol says. "You need to learn when to shut your mouth Carol." He says and Tommy looks annoyed. "Don't talk to her like that. Not my problem your going to get fucked over by two girls." Tommy insults. "You can talk, you've been fucking Carol since the 3rd grade. If anything she's a slut." He says and I laugh. "Don't call her a slut. Don't you laugh either. We all know your fucking that freak Eddie." Tommy says angrily. "At least I can get laid by multiple men, you've been with what? One woman your whole life?" I say and Carol comes at me. "Fuck you guys, Josie come on." Steve says grabbing my hand. "OH YEAH STEVEY BOY RUN AWAY LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO!" Tommy calls as we run to his car."

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