Vol 1: Chapter 8

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"Barb park a few blocks away, we don't want people to know it's a party

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"Barb park a few blocks away, we don't want people to know it's a party." Nancy says as we get closer to his house, why did I agree to this "that's stupid." Barb says. "Just park up, let's get this over and done with." I say before leaning over to the front of the car to look in Nancy's mirror to touch up my hair and makeup, if I'm going to be going there, I gotta look good. "Come on let's go." Nancy says jumping out of the car. "Chill out, don't look to eager." I say getting out next to her.

"Welcome ladies, the drinks are out on the table make yourselves at home." Steve says opening the door to us. "Hey nance." He says before giving me a look and walking into the kitchen with her. "Yoo! Josie come join us! We got tequila!" Carol and Tommy say holding up their glasses, "c'mon Barb." I say dragging her with me. "Cheers." I say grabbing one of the glasses and downing it. "You guys got molly or something?" I say searching my pockets to see if I have anything spare. "Molly? Yeah a little bit," Tommy says pulling a joint out of his pocket. "Thank god." I say grabbing it and lighting it up. "Let's get drunk!!" Steve says coming out with Nancy on his shoulder.

A few hours later and we're all mildly drunk, mixed with high but that doesn't matter. "Let's play never have I ever. " Carol says taking the joint from me, a new one, the other 3 ran out. " I'm in." I say taking a shot. "Okay drink if you have done it alright?" Tommy says before getting up and getting more bottles. "Let's start easy, drink if you have ever slept with Josie." Carol says laughing, Steve drinks. "Steve!" Nancy says. "Oh fuck." I whisper. "What? I couldn't exactly lie." He says taking a drink again. "Let's move on." Barb says quickly. "Okay Nancy why don't you go?" Carol says before whispering something to Tommy. "Okay, drink if you have kissed Steve." He says, both me and Carol drink. "Today." Nancy finished. She drinks. And I drink too, not realising what I had done. "Josie? You kissed him today?" Nancy says getting up. "Oh you said today? I thought you just said have you kissed them." I say laughing, fuck.

"Stop acting so innocent Josie!" She yells. "You have always been jealous of me for being with Steve, you couldn't stand it could you?" "Sorry Nancy who do you think your talking to right now? I say standing up to face her. "Josie told me-" Steve starts before Nancy cuts him off. "Told you what exactly? That she's a liar." She says trying to get in my business. "No that your a shit talking bitch, I say as she slaps me. "Oh bitch you did not." I say before swinging at her, making her fall into the pool.  "DO NOT TEST ME BITCH!" I yell at her before walking away, Steve following.

"We fucked that up." Steve says before putting his hands around my waist. "I don't feel guilty anymore." I say moving his hands upwards. "Do you want me back." I say taking his hands off me right before he gets to the boobs. "Say it." I say facing him. "I want you back." He says trying to put his hands on me again. I move back. "Please." He pleads. "Say it again." I tease. "No." He says and I go to walk off. "Say it." I say walking up the stairs. "Please Josie I want you back." He says following me up. "God your hot when you beg." I say beckoning him to his bedroom. "Don't you know it." He says before picking me up and lifting me into his room. "The things you do to me." He says before laying me on the bed. "Oh come on, know your place I say before flipping him over so he's on the bed and I'm on top.

"Oh come on Josie, we both know it will swap in a minute or so." He says before leaning up and kissing me, softly but urgently. "Steady now." I say before deepening the kiss, the things I would do for him. His hands trace my back, his fingers outlining my tattoo Eddie done for me when he went through a tattoo artist phase, Steve touching it made my whole body tingle. His hands move downwards, getting towards my lower back, he begins to trace my figure before he gets to my ass and he grabs it and flips me over, that takes some core power. "Good move." I say breaking away from the kiss and smirking at him. "There's more where that came from." He says smiling down at me. He traces my face, going over every detail, from my eyes to chin, before moving to my neck tracing the shape of it, he moves to my chest, tracing my collarbone before moving to my bra and slowly unclipping it and throwing the bra across the room. "We didn't need that anyways." He says before leaning down and kissing me. His hands caress my breasts before he moves downwards to my stomach, and then lower. "You got everything?" I ask him breaking away from the kiss. "Hopefully." He says leaning over me and looking through his draws. He smells clean, I don't know how to explain it but he smells like he showers religiously. "I got nothing." He says collapsing on-top of me. "Fuck sake Steve so unprepared." I say laughing. "Well sorry I wasn't planning on doing this tonight." He says laughing too.

"Give me my bra, if we're not gonna fuck I've gotta go home, my brothers still missing. Your a good distraction Steve. Don't catch feeling though." I say as he throws me my bra and I put it on. "What's that supposed to mean?" He says getting up. "Oh come on Steve, me and you are never going to happen, no matter how much we both want it. It will always just be fun, I realise that now." I say grabbing my bag and walking out. "So I just done that infront of Nancy for you to say it's just a bit of fun? Look I'll ask you this tomorrow because your as drunk as a fucking hippo, and please stop accepting drugs from people, I can't have you high and drunk. You say stupid shit like that." He says walking out behind me. "Oh come on Steve, we both knew it, don't pretend you didn't hit on me first because you thought it would be fun." I say walking down the stairs. "Okay I did then but I've fallen for you since then." He says grabbing my wrist. "Maybe a week ago I would have said I fell for you too, but now that I really truly think of it, it was just a bit of fun. Maybe it was jealously, maybe it was for my ego. But honestly Steve, your just not my type." I say before loosening his grip and walking out the door.

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