Vol 1: chapter 3

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"I'm Joyce's daughter is she with the Chief?" I say to one of the police men

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"I'm Joyce's daughter is she with the Chief?" I say to one of the police men. "Yea go in." They say ushering me to a door. "Josie what are you doing here?" Joyce says as I burst into the room. "Sit down, the adults were talking." Hopper says. "As I was saying, I understand. But a boy his age,most likely he's playing hookey" hopper says smoking a cigar. "Not my Will, no. He wouldn't do that. He's not like that" mom says, sounding like she's holding back tears. "You never know. My mother thought I was on the debate team, when really I was screwing Chrissy Carpenter in the back of my dad's boat" hopper says before looking at me. "Sorry." He says smoking again. "Will's not like you. He's not like me. He's not like most" mom says taking his cigar. "He's got a couple of friends. But everyone else, they -- they make fun of him. Call him names, laugh at him, his clothes" she says taking a smoke, and handing it to me. "His clothes? What's wrong with his clothes?" Hopper says snatching the cigar from me. "I don't know does it matter?" Mom says standing up. "Maybe." Hopper says ushering for her to sit back down. "My dad, he always said he was queer." I say and he looks serious. "Is he?" He says back. "He's missing that's what he is." I say back, taking the cigar from him again. "You hear from him lately?" He says to us, clearly annoyed I took his cig. "He was in Indianapolis last I heard. That was about a year ago. But he's got nothing to do with this." Mom says sitting back down. Hopper looks around his desk and grabs a pen and paper. "What's his number?" He asks. "I told you, he's got nothin' to do with this" she says slamming her hand on the desk.

"Kid goes missing, ninety-nine times outta a hundred the kid's with a parent or relative" he says snatching the cigar from me again. "I could get you arrested for that." He says to me. "What about the other time." Mom interrupts. "What?" He says "You said "ninety-nine outta a hundred." What about the other time? The one." She says taking the cigar before he can get a smoke. "This is Hawkins, Joyce. In four years, you know the worst thing I've seen? You know what it was? When that owl attacked Eleanor Gillepsie. Thought her hair was a nest. I mean -- it does look like a nest, doesn't it? All that frizz?" He says laughing. " I'll call dad, better me before one of you." I say before getting up. "Find my son hops." Mom says before she puts out the cigar and walks out with me.

"Let's go home, I'll call dad, you relax." I say getting into the car, I'm actually driving this time. "I'm going to castle Byers. He's going to be there I know it, he wouldn't run away, he wouldn't do that." Mom says staring out the window and biting her nails. "Johnathan will be home by now, he can go with you." I say as we pull up to the house. "Mom did you find him?" Johnathon says as soon as we enter the house. "No, hopper wants us to call Lonnie. Me and you are checking castle Byers, Josie is going to call dad." She says putting her arm around him and walking out towards the woods. I go up to the phone and call dad.

"Dad? It's Josie-" I say as soon as the phone picks up. "Lonnie isn't here right now" a voice says cutting me off. "Who is this? Cynthia? This is Josie his daughter- I need to speak to him -- This is an emergency... no, not later, now you bitch." I say before I'm cut off, slag. "Did you get a hold of him?" Johnathon says before coming into the living room with mom behind. "No it was Cynthia, she cut me off." I say before flopping on the sofa. "Did you find him?" I say to Johnathon. "No." He says back before getting out a poster and drawing on it. Mom suddenly gets up and goes outside. "It's hops!" She yells and we both jump up. "Did you find him?" Mom yells before hopper pulls a bike out of his trunk. "We found this." Hopper says causing Johnathon to collapse onto my shoulder. "And it was just lying there?" I say patting Johnathon on the head. "Yeah." One cop says. "No blood?" I say "No." another cop says. "If you found his bike out there, why are you here?" Mom says folding her arms. "He's got a key to the house?" Hop asks. "Yeah." Johnathon says taking his head off my shoulder. "So maybe he came back here."

"So what you think I haven't checked my own house?" Mom explodes, face turning red in anger. "Never said you didn't." Hop says back, not even looking at her but looking at the back door, with a huge dent in it. "This always here?" He asks mom. "I have two boys probably." Mom replies, he looks at me. "Its never been there before." I say, I always go through that door, if I noticed a dent I would know. Suddenly we're all cut off to the sound of whimpering. Hopper rushes outside and sees the dog. "He was doing this last night too, he hasn't moved since." I say to hops. He goes inside and sees the rifle has been moved. "Someone moved it last night, I had put it up that morning." I say as he inspects it for fingerprints. "Someone has been here recently." Then suddenly the light cuts out and the door shuts. "Hopper what's happening?" I say as he shushes me, I hear a load growl, this isn't the dog, this is something evil.

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