Vol 1: chapter 4

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The door suddenly opens and hopper pulls his gun out

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The door suddenly opens and hopper pulls his gun out. "Are you deaf? I've been calling you." The other cop says, hopper puts his gun back. "I want you to call Florence, have her get a search party together, as many volunteers as she can muster, flashlights too." He says walking back into the house. "Wait do you think he's been taken?" I say trying to catch up to him. He doesn't answer.

"I can't be here, hopper left an hour ago we haven't heard anything. I can't just sit here. I'm going out." I say jumping off the sofa, mom and Johnathon have just been sitting there for an hour, I can't do that. "Josie don't you dare, we need you here what if hopper comes back?" Mom says. "He won't mom, he's not going to come back, I can't just sit here like you guys." I say. "Josie don't." Johnathon says trying to make me sit down again. "Get off my Johnathon." I say grabbing my keys and walking out of the house. I make my way to the trailer park where I see Mike and his friends going out into the forest, I beep at them. "What are you doing?" I call out and they turn around quickly. "Looking for will." Lucas calls out. "Wait there." I say before parking my car quickly and jumping out. "I'm coming."

"Pass me a flashlight I can't see for shit." I say as Dustin hands me a flashlight. "Thanks." I say as we reach the police tape. "Hopper came by earlier, he has a search warrant for will." I say pulling a joint out of my pocket and lighting it quick. "Can you not?" Mike says trying to snatch it off me. "Don't do drugs kids." I say before slapping his hand away from me. Then my joint dies out. "Oh man you guys feel that?" Dustin says. "Maybe we should go back." Lucas says in reply. Mike drops his backpack and hands Dustin a walkie. "No splitting up or anything stupid. like that, but stay on channel six. Just in case." He says before ducking under the police tape Lucas follows, along with me. "Hey guys wait up!" Dustin says running behind. "Keep up dusty." I say patting him on the back.

"WILL? WILL?" Mike tells out, we're all soaking now. "BYERS!" Lucas yells out. "WE HAVE YOUR XMEN ONE THIRTY FOUR!" Dustin yells out. "WILL!" I yell out as-well. I would rather be at eddies right now, this isn't doing anything. "Guys I really think we should turn back." Dustin says stopping. "Seriously, Dustin, if you want to
be a baby, just go home already." Lucas says shining a light in his eyes. "I'm just being realistic Lucas." Dustin argues. "No your just being a sissy." Lucas argues back. "You ever think Will went missing
because, you know, he ran into someone bad? And now we're going to the place where he was last seen, and we don't even have weapons or anything" Dustin says arguing back. "We don't need to have that mindset right now." I say before Mike shushes us. "Do you guys hear that?" Mike says before a sound comes from behind us. A girl with no hair wearing a benny's T-shirt appears behind us, she looks sick.

"Guys get her into my car, she's probably cold, poor thing." I say going up to her. "Are you alright?" I say putting my hand on her shoulder. She flinches "sorry, do you want to follow us to my car, we can get you to a warm place." I say and she nods. "Don't just stand there! Let's go!" I say to the boys. As we get to my car I let her sit in the front and hand her a blanket. The boys quickly start questioning her. "Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike says startling her. "Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin says. "Did you run away? Are you in trouble?" Lucas says. "Is that blood?" Mike says. "You three! Stop it! Your scaring her! Leave her if she wants to talk she can okay? She's probably scared and tired. Mike your house is closest let's go there.

As we get to mikes house we sneak her into the basement. I grab a change of clothes from my trunk. "Don't ask why I have this." I say to Dustin as he looks confused. "Here, these are clean, it might be a little bit big." I say handing her the clothes and she instantly starts to take her shirt off, infront of the boys. "No! No! No!" The boys yell startling her. "Hey okay over here is the bathroom, you can change in there, privacy okay? Mike says standing up as I scold Lucas and Dustin. "Privacy get it?" Mike says trying to close the door but she stops him. "You don't want it closed?" He says softly. "No." She says back. "Oh so you can speak." He says back. "Okay so how about we close it like this?" He says leaving it around 3 inches open. "Yes." She says before Mike leaves. "That was really mature Mike." I say as he sits next to me. "This is mental." Dustin says clutching his head. "At least she can talk." Mike says back. "She said no and yes, your three year old sister can say more." Lucas says. "Hey that's not nice." I say. "She tried to get naked." Dustin says again. "Stop! You two go home, it's late, Mike can she stay here? My mom won't let me take her and nobody comes down here, cops are crawling in my house I couldn't keep her hidden." I say and he agrees. "I'll be back tomorrow okay?" I say before gathering the other two boys and driving them both home.

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