Vol 1: chapter 15

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"Thank god your here!" Nancy says as Johnathon gets out of the car, giving him a big hug

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"Thank god your here!" Nancy says as Johnathon gets out of the car, giving him a big hug. "Hey nance." He says as I get out. "Oh hey Josie-" Nancy says awkwardly getting off him. "Did you get the stuff?" Johnathon says and she pulls a gun out of her back pocket. "Yeah, did you?" She says and he pulls a gun out of his jacket pocket. "Where the fuck did you guys find them?" I say laughing. "My moms got one for safety." Nancy says, seriously, not laughing at all. "I stole it from dads car." Johnathon says swinging it around. "He's gonna fucking kill you." I say laughing even louder. "This isn't a laughing matter, we need to kill that thing. For Will and Barb." Nancy says stopping me from laughing. "How did I not know about barb? I didn't even realise she was missing." I say looking guilty. "Nobody did other than us." She says shaking her head. "Poor girl." I say patting her shoulder. "Let's test the shooting then." Johnathon says setting up cans on a log. "Johnathon you can't be trusted with a gun, you remember last time you got hold of one." I say taking the gun out of his hands. "I was 7 leave me alone." He says going red, glancing at Nancy for a hot second. "Fuck sake, don't shoot me again." I say handing it back.

"He shot you?" Nancy says as we wait for him to take his shot, sitting on top of my car. "Yeah, it wasn't serious, he was aiming for a can and somehow hit my arm, it only skimmed it, hurt like hell though." I say lifting my sleeve and showing a small scar. "I remember that!" She says as we hear a gunshot. He missed. "Told you!" I call out and he puts the middle finger up at me. "Go again!" Nancy calls and he smiles. "So you like Johnathon?" I say nudging her shoulder. "No, I'm with Steve, you know that more than anyone knowing you slept with him." She says nudging me back. "Hey I said sorry!" I say laughing as Johnathon misses again. "Well I got my revenge, we're even." She says before getting up and having a go at shooting. Johnathon standing next to her. She whispers something to to Johnathon making him laugh. Then she takes a shot, the can falls off the log. "Wooo!" I cheer and they smile. "I'm going to get another can I'll be right back!" I call before heading to the car.

"Psst." I hear behind me as I bend over to grab a can from the trunk. I turn around and see nobody. "Psst." The voice says again. "Fuck sake, whoever you are fuck off." I say turning back around and see Eddie near the car door. "Wow, I'm hurt, whoever you are? I thought we were friends." He says pretending to me heartbroken. "Eddie you scared the shit out of me!" I say pushing his shoulder. "What the fuck are you doing with Nancy wheeler?" He says wrinkling his nose. "What? She apologised." I say shrugging. "She took pictures of you, and showed the school." He says looking over at her, she's having a deep conversation with Johnathon. "She doesn't look like she cares that much about Steve." He says motioning to them. "Oh please, she would never date Johnathon." I say trying to shrug it off. "She's not a stupid girl, she's going to dumb Steve one way or another. She wouldn't let someone walk over her. She's Nancy wheeler, not Tammy Thompson." He says rolling his eyes. "Why are you even here anyways?" I say watching Johnathon and Nancy, getting close may I add. "Looking for a new deal spot. It's getting to common, I need a chance of scenery." He says leaning on the car. "Well you can't come here." I say closing the trunk. "What are you guys doing shooting anyways? What are you trying to be?" He says laughing, getting the attention of Johnathon. "Shut up!" I say shushing him. "I can't tell you, it's s secret." I say laughing. "Well I won't keep you any longer." He says pretending to bow down. "Bye jo."he says walking back into the woods

"Who were you talking too?" Johnathon says coming over to the car. "What do you mean?" I say pretending to look innocent. "Are you high?" He says shaking his head. "No!" I say back, pretending to look hurt. "It's your go." He says going back to Nancy. "You took forever." Nancy says handing me the gun. "Holy shit are you sure this is your moms? It's a Russian revolver!" I say getting my hand used to it. "Is that good?" She says. "Yeah it's good!" I say taking a shot, it hits the can. "Johnathon what gun does Dad have? I say grabbing his gun. "I dont know." He says and I inspect it. "Holy shit dads a murderer. This is a smith and Wesson model 10! That's he same gun what killed Benny from Benny's burgers! You know the hood burger store near the motel?" I say shooting the gun excitedly. "How do you know so much about guns?" Johnathon says. "Why wouldn't I? Dad trained me and Will way more than you, you always sucked," I say taking another shot on target. "My work here is done." I say dropping the guns.

Johnathon and Nancy walk infront as we walk through the forest trying to find any sign off the demogorgon. "Johnathon?" Nancy says, thinking I can't hear her. "Yeah?" He replies, looking at her, he's in love anyone can tell, "you never said what I was saying." She says looking at him. "What?" He replies. "Yesterday, you thought I was saying something that's why you took my picture." She says hopping over a log. "Oh uh-I dont know. I guess I saw this girl, you know pretending to be someone else." Oh fuck he's blew it. "But for that moment, it was like you were alone, or you thought you were. And you know, you could be yourself." He says trying to explain himself, she looked angry. "That is such bullshit!" She yells. "What?" He says back. "I am not trying to be someone else. Just because I'm dating Steve and you don't like him-" she rants but is cut off. "You know what? Forget it. I just thought it was a good picture." He grumbles, giving me a quick side eye.

"He's actually s good guy." Nancy continues. "Okay." Johnathon says, trying to sound like he doesn't care. "Yesterday with the camera, he's not like that at all. He was just being protective." She says, why is she still defending him? "Yeah, that's one word for it." Johnathon scoffs, making her angrier. "Oh, and I guess what you did was okay?" She yells, stopping dead in her tracks. "No. I never said that." He stammers, "he had every right to be pissed. "Okay alright. Does that mean I have to like him?" He says back sneakily. "What your saying to me is exactly what you done to Josie. She might have forgiven you but I haven't. And why are you defending Steve? He cheated on you many times and your saying oh he's not like that. He is like that. You saw it yourself." Johnathon says, finally losing his cool. "Why are you trying to turn this on me?" She says looking at me for backup. "Don't involve me." I say trying to back away from the conversation. "Do you think Steve is a bad guy?" She asks me, this time looking for reassurance. "He's a bad boyfriend, but a good person." I say looking at Johnathon. "So why wont Johnathon like him?" She says looking at him for an answer.

Listen, don't take it so personally, okay?
I don't like most people. He's in the vast majority." Johnathon says, shrugging and walking along. "You know, I was just starting to think that you were okay." Nancy says catching up with him, "yeah?" "Yeah. I was thinking, Jonathan Byers,
maybe he's not the pretentious creep everyone says he is." That annoys me. "That's my fucking brother your talking about, he's not a creep. Your meant to be the one who sees the best in people, not the one who becomes a bitch for a boy who's clearly going to dump you sooner or later." I say butting in. "Thank you! You know, I was starting to think Nancy Wheeler, she's not just another suburban girl who thinks she's rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does, until that phase passes and they marry some boring one-time jock who now works sales, and they live out a perfectly boring little life at the end of a cul-de-sac. Exactly like their parents, who they thought were so depressing,
but now, hey, they get it." He says and she looks mad, extremely mad.

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