Vol 1: chapter 22

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"Okay remember, step into wills room, don't step on the trap

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"Okay remember, step into wills room, don't step on the trap. Wait for the yo-yo to move. Then-" he starts, "we get it, you said this like millions of times." I say grabbing my bat, I spent the last 10 minutes putting nails in it, fucking splinters everywhere. "Okay you all ready?" Nancy says getting her revolver ready. "On three," Nancy says, we each grab our knives and get ready. "One. Two. Three." Nancy says as we all cut our hands. "Fuck!" I say before wrapping it up. "Did you hear that?" Nancy says as the wind goes through the hole in the wall. "Dont worry, when it's near the lights flicker." I say as Johnathon helps me tie my bandage up. "Think of them as alarms." I say as Johnathon goes to tie Nancy's up. "Is that too tight?" He says gently, fucking lovestruck bitch. "No it's fine." She says before we hear banging on the door making us all jump.

"Johnathon! Are you there man? It's Steve! I just wanna talk." Steve yells knocking on the door. "Fuck he can't be here!" I say as Nancy goes to the door. "Steve listen to me." Nancy says opening the door. "Hey Nancy what-" he starts before he's cut off. "You need to leave." She says. "I'm not trying to start something." He says trying to get inside. "I don't care about that, you need to leave." She says. "No no! Listen I made a mistake, I messed up, with the theatre with Josie." He says stammering a little. "I just really want to make things right. Okay please?" He says before he just stops. "Hey what happened to your hand? Is that blood?" He says grabbing her hand. "Nothing. It was an accident." She says moving it away from the door. "Yeah, what's going on?" Steve says trying to get in. "Nothing." Nancy says resisting. "Wait a sec. Did he do this to you?" He says getting annoyed. "No!" She says annoyed "Nancy, let me in!" He yells trying to open the door again. "No. No! No, Steve!" She says as he gets in.
What is... What the—" he says and Nancy pulls a gun at him. "You need to get out of here." She says threatening him, "woah Nancy chill," I say and she ignores me. "Whoa. What is all—" Steve starts. "Listen to me. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, get out of here!" She yells. "What is that smell?" He says Is that... is that gasoline?" He says angrily."Steve, get out!" Nancy yells. "Wait. What? What is going on?" Steve stutters, looking at both me and Johnathon. "You have five seconds to get out of here." Nancy threatens again. Okay, is this a joke? Stop. Put the gun down." He says holding his hands up. "I'm doing this for you." Nancy says trying to force him out the door: "Wait. Is this a... What is this?" He says looking at the bear trap. "Nancy! The lights." Johnathon yells. "It's here." I say shivering slightly "Wait, what's here?" Steve says cluelessly as we all grab our weapons. "Where is it?" Nancy says patrolling the room."Where is what? Whoa! Easy with that!" Steve says as she points the gun at him. "Where is it?" She says to Johnathon "I don't know. I don't see it." He replies, also patrolling.
"Where is what? Hello? Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going—" Steve yells before the demogorgon comes up behind him and screeches.

"RUN GO GO GO!" I say grabbing Steve and rushing him along with us. "JUMP!" I say as we reach the bear trap. Johnathon locks wills bedroom door and we all breathe heavily. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Jesus! Jesus! What the hell was that? What the hell was that?" Steve says freaking out. "Shut up!" I say and he stops. "What's it doing?" I ask as Nancy and Johnathon put there ears to the door. Steve interlaces his fingers in mine. "I don't know." Johnathon says. "Do you hear anything?" Nancy says to him. "No." He says before slowly opening the door, the lights have stopped. "This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy! This is crazy! This is crazy! What are you do— What are you doing? Are you insane?" Steve mutters behind, panicking a lot. "It's going to come back! So you need to leave!" Nancy yells before seeing our hands interlaced. "Right now!" She says grabbing his hand and leading him out the door. The lights start up again.

"Okay no distractions." I say as we patrol the room. "Where is it?" Nancy says looking around. "Come on. Come on, you son of a bitch." Johnathon mutters. "You see it?" I say going into the hallway. "No. Where" Johnathon replies "Come on. Where are you? Come on!" Nancy yells and a growl comes from behind me. "AHHH!" I scream as the monster jumps on-top of me. In the impact I drop my weapon. "HELP ME!" I yell as it gets closer, it's spit dropping on my face. "JOSIE!" Johnathon yells trying to get close. "I DON'T WANNA DIE DO NOT LET ME DIE!" I yell as the monster is thrown off me. "GO TO HELL YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Steve yells as he hits the demogorgon with my bat. "Oh thank fuck." I say running up to him and kissing him, forgetting Nancy is right there. "It's in the trap!" Johnathon yells, pulling me back to reality, where I'm met with an angry Nancy. "JOHNATHON NOW!" I yell focusing on the more important. "He takes my lighter out of my pocket and throws it onto the ground, setting it on fire. " STAND BACK!" Nancy yells as the monster goes up in flames,  he releases one last screech and disappears.

"Where did it go?" Nancy mutters moving forward to look at the bear trap, what has been disintegrated. "No it's gotta be dead." He says looking around it too. "It fucking better be." I say sitting on the floor and grabbing my lighter. "Fuck sake it's burnt to a crisp." I say throwing it in the living room. "Shut up." Nancy says hugging Johnathon. "Do you guys hear that?" Steve says and a car pulls up and a bunch of agents run inside. They grab us. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Nancy yells. "GET OFF!" I yell before we're dragged into the back of their cars and taken to a hospital

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