Vol 1: chapter 16

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Enough both of you, shut the fuck up!" I say and Nancy snaps at me

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Enough both of you, shut the fuck up!" I say and Nancy snaps at me. "Don't think I've forgiven you either, Steve won't even talk to me after what happened, I'm meant to be his girlfriend not you. Why won't he love me like he loves you?" She says looking at me accusingly. "I don't know. But honestly he was just a bit of fun for me at first, and I know you done that whole apology yesterday but I'm with Johnathon, why would I be sorry after you sent pictures of me around the school? That's worse than me sleeping with Steve and you know it. And honestly he doesn't love me more, he said it himself. He said that he likes the idea of me, but loves you. So i dont know just work it out, or let him choose that's probably better." I say getting flashlights out of my car. "Now let's stop arguing and go into the forest, we're here for my brother and Barb not for us to argue.

A few hours into the walk in the forest, Johnathon and Nancy are still arguing, discreetly. Suddenly I hear a whimper. "What are you tired?" Johnathon says, laughing at Nancy. "Shut up." She says seriously. "What?" I say facing her. "I heard something." She says leading us to a tree. "Oh my god." Nancy says as she shines a light on a deer, what's bleeding and intestines are hanging out. "It's been hit by a car." She says sympathetically. "We can't just leave it." She says looking at Johnathon. He sighs and gets out his gun. "I'll do it." He says rolling his eyes. I try and take the gun. "What? I'm not 9 anymore." He says and cocks the gun. As he tries to shoot it, it disappears. "Am i high or did that deer just fall into the tree?" I say shining the light in Johnathon's eyes. "What was that?" Nancy says looking around. "Not just me then." I say shrugging. "Do you see anymore blood?" Johnathon says before we hear a growl, it sounds wet. Suddenly Nancy screams. "NANCY!" Me and Johnathon yell as she is dragged into the tree by some sort of vines.

"HOLY SHIT!" I yell looking into the tree. "NANCY!" Johnathon yells pushing me out of the way. "JOHNATHON!" Nancy says, she's in the tree? "WHERE ARE YOU?" Johnathon yells looking at the tree, that looks exactly like the thing Will was stuck behind in the house. "The upside down." I whisper. "JOHNATHON! JOHNATHON IM RIGHT HERE!" Nancy yells, her voice is echoing, how does that work? "NANCY FOLLOW MY VOICE!" Johnathon yells and we hear a loud growl. I move Johnathon out of the way and look in, grabbing my gun and shooting at the wall, trying to make holes, but only making dents. I grab the flashlight and make a hole using that. I look inside and see a scared will behind a vine tree. "Oh my god!" I say jumping back. I hear a scream. "JOHNATHON!" Nancy says and he takes me place. I hear something fall in the distance and the growls getting quiet. "JOHNATHON!" Nancy yells as her head pops back into the hole, "I GOT YOU!" Johnathon says putting his hand through the hole and pulling her into his arms. "I got you, I got you." He says comfortingly. "Will saved you, I saw him." I say and they all look at me. "How?" Nancy says, in shock still. "I don't know, I think he threw something, or himself." I say crying. "Oh god." Johnathon says hugging Nancy close and extending an arm for me to join.

"Let's go to your house Nancy." Johnathon says driving us to her house, they go up to her room as I look in the laundry room for spare sheets and clothes for Johnathon as he said he will stay over to make sure she's safe. I hear commotion outside. "I just don't understand why we're coming out here.
She obviously doesn't wanna talk to you." Tommy says as Steve gets out of his car. - That's... that's not it." Steve says, they haven't noticed me yet. "Oh, really? Because no girl would ever blow off King Steve." Carol says laughing. "She was acting weird. I mean, something was wrong." Steve says climbing up the pole to get to the roof.
"So what?Like, you're worried about her? What happened to, oh I love Josie not Nancy, Nancy who." Tommy mimics. "What?" Steve says giving him a look. "Aw, you are. Aw, Steve has a heart." Carol says mockingly "Oh, Stevey's in love with Nancy wheeler." Tommy mocks aswell."Will you just shut up?" Steve says irritatedly.
Jeez.Damn. Sorry." Carol says sarcastically.

Steve looks through the window and comes back down disappointedly. "Not see what you were hoping." I say smugly, knowing he saw Johnathon in her room. "What are you doing here." Steve says glumly. "Oh looks like the better option is here." Tommy mocks. "Like seeing Nancy get cozy with someone else?" I say laughing, Nancy doesn't love him, so what's the harm? "Oh who's replaced king Steve?" Carol says. "Her fucking brother." Steve says walking away from me. "Ohhhh, that sucks." Tommy says putting his arm around him. "Get off me." Steve says as I go over to them. "Tough luck, looks like your Nancy who didn't stay for long." I say walking up to him. "I don't want to dump Nancy! I love Nancy." I mock, getting even closer to him. "I slept with Nancy! I love Nancy!" I say reaching his lips. "Looks like Nancy doesn't love you." I say turning around and going inside. "Ouch tough luck stevey boy." Tommy says laughing. "Shut the fuck up will you?" Steve says getting in the car and slamming the door.

"Oh hey Josie! I didn't realise you would be here tonight!" Karen says as I see her feeding Holly, Nancy on the opposite side of the table. "Oh yeah, we're having a girls night after what happened." I say to Karen and she nods knowingly and Nancy gives me a look. "Well dustin and Mike will be here in a second, we're having blueberry pancakes would you like one?" Karen says offering me a plate. "Oh no I'm okay, would you like me to get the boys though?" I say heading down into the basement. "It's me guys." I say looking at them arguing. "Where's el? I say and they both stop arguing and look at me. "She ran off." Dustin says, "she didn't run away! Lucas scared her away!" Mike yells. "What how?" I say looking at them concerned. "She was leading us away from Will, she didn't want us to find him." Dustin says. "That's not true! She wouldn't have helped us this far she just messed up the compasses to protect us okay! Mike yells. "Okay I don't care, you need to find her, the poor girl is alone and scared, she won't know how to survive on her own, you should have been more careful!" I say searching the room for any clues. "Where did you last see her?" I say. "The junkyard."Dustin says. "Ohh the stoner pit okay." I say and they look at me weird. "Right tomorrow you are going to make up with Lucas and find eleven, I'll drive you to the junkyard okay? It's a long walk, I will have to go after that but I swear to god if you don't find her I'll kill you both, now I want you to go upstairs and put on a nice normal face and eat your blueberry pancakes and pretend eleven doesn't exist and your playing with your my little pony's or whatever." I say and I walk back upstairs with them following.

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