Vol 1: chapter 23

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•One day Later•

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•One day Later•

"How long until he wakes up?" I say to the nurse who's checking Wills blood pressure. "I'm not sure, maybe a few days?" She says before exiting the room. Suddenly his heart rate machine starts beeping. "Holy shit." I say as his eyes open. "Hi sweetheart." Mom says softly and he looks at her. "Hi." He says smiling. "Where am I?" He says looking around. "Your home, your home now." Johnathon says smiling at him. "Johnathon?" He says confused. "Yeah it's me buddy." He says laughing. "Where's Josie?" He says and I squeeze his hand. "Right here will." I say and he smiles. "Hi." "Hi!" I say crying happy tears. "We really missed you." I say and he looks at mom. "I missed you too." I say and mom smiles through tears. "What happened to your hand?" he says to Johnathon, touching the bandage. "Just a cut it's nothing, Josie has one too." He says and Will looks at my hand worriedly. "We brought you some stuff, so you don't get bored here." I say and Johnathon brings it over. "I made you a new mixtape." Johnathon says handing it to him. "There's some stuff on there I really think you would like." He says and will thanks him. "I put a few comics in there, I stole them from Mike." I say and he looks at them. "BYERS!" Mike yells before hugging him with the rest of the boys. "Be careful!" I say. "Move! Dustin says to Lucas. "Go easy on him. "Joyce says and will laughs. "You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man." Lucas says, Mike moved away a little bit. "It was mental." Dustin says. "You had a funeral." Lucas says getting a laugh out of will "Jennifer Hayes was crying."Dustin says. "And Troy peed himself." Lucas says laughing "What?" Will says shocked. "In front of the whole school!" Dustin says.

Will starts coughing uncontrollably. "You alright?" Mike says finally joining the group again. "It got me.
The Demogorgon." He says after he stops coughing.
"We know. It's okay. It's dead." I say comfortingly, ruffling his hair. "We made a new friend.
She stopped it. She saved us. But she's gone now. Her name's Eleven." Lucas says, I can tell Mike feels upset because of her, I do too. I wish I had stayed maybe if I was there I could have saved her. The demogorgon got her because we lead it there by luring it to our world again. I could have stopped it. I killed a kid. "Like the number?" Will says confused. "Well, we call her "El" for short. She's basically a wizard." Mike says sadly "She has superpowers. More like a Yoda. She flipped a van with her mind,
and these agents were trying to shoot us." Dustin says doing wild hand gestures. "Yeah, it flipped over us— - Then she squeezed the brains out.." Lucas continues "And blood was pouring out of their faces." Dustin says "It was pouring out of their eyes." Mike says trying to show how "Agents just started grabbing us and stuff.." Lucas says.

•Christmas Eve•

I'm waiting in the car while Johnathon gets Will from his dnd campaign, Steve and Nancy worked it out, both of them don't talk to me anymore. Steve just ignores me in the halls and Nancy does the same. At least I have Eddie. "How was the campaign!" I ask will as he jumps in the car. "Good! I won!" He says happily. "Will the wise wins again!" I say high-fiving him. "What the fucks that?" I say looking at the present on Johnathon's lap. "Nancy got it for me, there's one for you too." He says handing me a box. "Can I open it Johnathon?" Will asks and he hands him the box. "Sweet you got a camera!" He says holding it up. "Your kidding!" He says looking at the label, face lighting up. "Holy shit!" He says. "What did you get Jo?" Will asks. "I'll open mine later." I say before Johnathon starts the car and drives us home.

"Hey hopper!" I say as we walk into the house. "Hey kiddo." He says handing all three of us a present, "just came to drop this off." He says putting his hat back on. "Hey why don't you join us tomorrow!" Mom says and he looks tempted. "I mean why not I've got nothing better to do." He says before winking at mom and leaving for the night. "Woah he got you a huge one!" I say as Johnathon helps him out it under the tree. "Wait till tomorrow!" Johnathon says as I toss him my one to put under there too. "I'm going to my room." I say and I lock the door. Time to open my gift. I open the box and see stacks of my photos what were shown around the school in the box. What sort of joke is this? Under them, there was a letter.

I wasn't ever planning on speaking to you anytime soon but I felt this was the right thing to do. I got all of the pictures of everyone who didn't hand them back, I got Steve to threaten everyone who talked about it, Now it's as if it never happened. I'm sorry how everything turned out. I just wanted my boyfriend back, my life back. Our friendship is never going to just disappear. I'm sorry for ignoring you. I just needed time. But Christmas is the season for forgiving and happy times. Steve is throwing a huge New Years party and I want you to be my date, if you would have me.

Nancy xx
Ps. Steve wanted to sign his name as-well

Steve x

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