Vol 1: chapter 10

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"I'll have a coffee and a full English please

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"I'll have a coffee and a full English please." I say to the worker at the Hawkins Diner, our favourite place as kids, "I'll have the same." Johnathon says and we get seated. "How long is mom going to be like this?" Johnathon says, looking stressed. "You need to stop stressing so much, I'm worried about her but you can't let it completely take over your life, honestly, we should be more worried for Will. We're all focusing on mom when will is out there, scared and alone. Hopper must be close, when they find him mom will go back to normal." I say going through my bag and finding a normal cigarette, no drugs included. "What if they don't find him." He says grabbing one of the cigarettes out of my bag. "Don't say that, and there not for you." I say taking the cigarette back before he can light it. "Oh come on we're all thinking it." He says as the food gets delivered. "I'm not." I say putting out the cigarette and tucking in.

"Didn't think I would see you here." Tommy and Carol say walking over to my table. "What do you mean?" I say taking a sip of my coffee. "Are you not embarrassed?" Carol says moving Johnathon over and sitting next to him. "Why would I?" I say as Tommy sits next to me. "Well your kinda a slut." Tommy says taking a bite out of my sausage. "Excuse me?" I say putting my coffee down, outraged. "Well yeah, you make a huge deal out of sleeping with Steve then don't actually do it, no wonder Nancy finished the job." Carol says grimacing at Johnathon. "Well, at least Nancy's happy having my sloppy seconds." I say before actioning for Tommy to get up so I can pay. "Yeah clearly, you should have heard them." Tommy says. "Oh Steve, yeah Steve, ohhh Steve!" Carol mimics, pretending to be Nancy. "They seemed to be enjoying it more than you and him. Your arguing was an inconvenience actually, so loud is interrupted us." Tommy says and Carol hits him lightly. "anyways have a good breakfast." They say leaving.

"There fucking horrible." I say grabbing my bag and leaving with Johnathon. "Seems like it." He says before driving us to school. As we arrive whispering starts. "Why is everyone looking at us?" I whisper to Johnathon. "It's just you, I'd rather not be here, bye." He whispers back before heading down a different hallway to me. Fuck. "Josie Byers, you little heartbreaker." Eddie calls out to me in the hallway before putting his arm around me. "What do you mean?" I say going to my locker. "You Steve and Nancy last night, everyone knows that your sleeping with him and that you and Nancy fought it out." He says as a struggle with my locker. "Your fucking joking right?" I say as I open my locker and pictures of me tumble out, naked ones. "Oh shit, I mean you have nice boobs." Eddie says picking up one of the pictures. "I know." I say gathering the rest as people laugh at them. "Mind if I keep this?" Eddie teases. "Fucking hell don't cream your pants." I say grabbing the picture from his hands and folding it up and putting it in his back pocket. "Oh you flirt." He says winking at me. "Where should I throw these, I can't let these get anywhere else, but knowing Steve, it's probably everywhere. How did he even get these!" I say looking at one of the pictures. "It doesn't even look like it was Steve, he's in the picture too." He says pointing at him in the background. "Oh my god, I know exactly who it was." I say handing him the pictures and storming off.

"Nancy wheeler!" I yell in the hallway as I see her standing next to Steve and his friends. "You took pics of me?" I say tackling her into the floor. "So what? You deserve it." She says trying to fight back. "You deserve this." I say as I start punching her, but I'm quickly thrown off her. "Don't touch me." I say to whoever grabbed me off her and see Nancy trying to walk away, I grab her by her hair. "Not so fast." I say pulling her back. She swings at me and lands a blow to my face, making my nose bleed. I swing back, making her fall into a locker, then she just pounces at me. We're both torn away from eachother, Eddie holding me, Johnathon holding her. "Eddie, if your holding me back, where's the pictures. I say as I see the pictures scattered all over the floor, the crowd all picking them up. "Shit." He says letting go of me and trying to get them back.

"Nancy, you took pictures?" Steve says holding up one of the pics, he didn't know. "What? You said it yourself, she deserved something to happen to her, so I made it happen." She says shrugging Johnathon off her. "Nance that's messed up, that's low, even for you." He says ripping up the picture and walking off. "Josie, are you okay?" Johnathon says going over to me and hugging me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say hugging him back, I see Eddie trying to get all the pictures back, but nobody is budging. "Eddie, leave it, it's seen anyways." I say breaking away from the hug, and going over to him. "I just hope they know that Chief of police is literally in my house all the time because of my brother so if I tell him, that's illegal, all of you with the pictures can be arrested, so you can be dumb or you can be smart. Your choice." I say to everyone and some people start handing the pictures to Eddie. "Good." I say taking the pictures from Eddie and walking off to my car.

As soon as I get to my car I break down, I mean I did deserve it, I did fuck her boyfriend a few times but I didn't expect this, I can't truly be mad, I done a lot worse, but this is more public. I go through my bag and look for any drugs I can find, none at all, used them all last night. Suddenly I hear a knock at my window, I wipe my eyes and unroll it. "Can I come in." Steve says. "Fuck off." I say and go to roll it up again. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know she even took pictures," he says stopping my window from closing. "Fine," I say unlocking the door. "We can't do this anymore, I'm officially done." I say looking through my car storage parts. "Understandable." He says, his leg bouncing. "This has been a mistake from the start, I think we should just not talk anymore." I say looking under my seat. "Ok." He says leg bouncing even more. "Spit it out." I say finally finding a joint.

"I slept with her." He finally blurts out. "I know Carol told me this morning." I say lighting it up. "Oh, well I'm sorry." He says putting his fingers through his hair. "You don't need to apologise, if anything you should be apologising to her, she's your girlfriend you can sleep with her, if anything you can't sleep with me." I say smoking. "I don't want to dump her, I love Nancy." He says putting my car mirror up. "Okay." I say putting my chair back. "Okay." He says getting up and walking back into school. I feel high.

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