Vol 1: chapter 13

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"Josie you scared the shit out of me!" Dustin squeals as I enter the room

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"Josie you scared the shit out of me!" Dustin squeals as I enter the room. "Yeah yeah, where's Will." I say looking around. "He's on the upside down." Mike says motioning to eleven. "The what?" I say and Eleven gets up and goes to the dnd board. She moves all of the characters off it but the mage and demagorgon. Then she flips it upside down with them two on that end. "Will." She says pointing at the mage. "Demagorgon." She says pointing at the demgorgon. "Me and my mom saw that last night." I say and they go white. "Will also spoke to us last night, did he do it to you guys too?" I say looking at the lights. "Yeah, show her." Mike says motioning to el. She starts closing her eyes and the walkie starts going static, then I hear Will crying, singing our song. "Will!" I say and he stops singing. "Josie?" He says before it cuts out. Elevens nose bleeds alot and she goes pale. "How many times have you made her to this?" I say going over to her, looking at the walkie. "She's fine." Lucas says folding his arms. "She's just making it up." He says and I shoot him a look. "Come on el let's get you cleaned up." I say leading her to the bathroom. I wet a cloth and dab her nose with it. "Your a brave girl, thank you for doing this," I say and she smiles. "It's okay." She says as I dab her face with the cloth more.

"Guys! I have an idea." Dustin yells and we enter the room. "We can go to the AV club room, they have a huge radio, we can hear him even more there, we didn't get much before." Dustin yells and Mike agrees. "That might work," I say looking at her. "Will you be up to it?" I say and she nods but feels her head. "Let's make you look the part." I say as I sneak her upstairs into Nancy's room. "I know where she keeps her old stuff." I say going into her wardrobe. "Mike you find a wig, Dustin find makeup, Lucas help me find a dress." I say and they scramble to their roles. "This is stupid, Will is dead." Lucas says before finding a pretty pink dress, "you sound like my brother." I say and we nod at the dress. "Okay I'll help her get ready you guys wait downstairs.

"Okay your going to be blonde today!" I say putting the wig on her head and securing it with some pins. "You sure you will be okay?" I say and she nods. I hand her the dress and she puts it on. "Right makeup." I say dabbing some blush on her cheeks and putting a little bit of gloss on her lips. "Pretty!" I say and she looks in the mirror admiring herself. "Pretty." She smiles. "Let's go show the boys." I say walking out with her. "Wow, you look pretty." Mike says as soon as he sees her. They all give him a look. "Pretty awesome." He corrects himself, looks like Mike has a little crush. "Pretty." She says smiling. "Okay you guys go, I need to get to the morgue." I say running out the back door.

"Josie! We have been waiting for hours, why are you still in your Pyjamas?" Mom says as I run into the morgue. "Oh shit, I forgot." I say looking down at my clothes. "Let's go then." Hopper says going up to the receptionist to let us go through. We are met with a strange man, he's not the usual. "Where's Mark?" Hopper says. "He got sent home, they sent me from the state."the man says before going back into the surgery. "That's weird." I whisper to hopper and he nods. Looking at wills lifeless body was weird, it looked so real, he's obviously not there, but the realism was scary. "He has a mole on his left leg, can I see that please? Mom asks and she is met with a mole less leg. "I told you, that's not him." She says storming out. "That's not my boy." She says before Johnathon chases after her. "Mom you and Josie are in denial, you can't keep deluding yourself like this!" Johnathon yells as they leave the morgue. "That isn't my son! That isn't your brother!" She yells back. "WILL IS DEAD!! YOU NEED TO ACCEPT THAT!" Johnathon yells back. Causing a gasp from passerby's. "I'm going to give Will a good funeral, you and Josie won't be invited if you keep acting like this. Get your act together." He says storming off,

"Josie come on, let's go home."Mom says as the crowd disports and we go home. We're just trying to communicate with Will with no avail when we hear his voice behind us. We look behind and see that the wall has opened up and has given us an outlook into the upside down. "Will!" Mom yells "mom!" Will whispers." "Will!" I yell. "Josie, it's coming, it's coming for me." He whispers again. "Where are you?" Mom yells. "I don't know, it's like home but it's so dark and empty. Mom I'm so scared." Will whimpers before a screech comes from behind him and the wall starts to close up. "IM COMING WILL!" Mom yells before charging at the wall with a sledge hammer. "MOM YOU MIGHT HURT HIM!" I say as it collided with the wall, exposing the porch. I run outside and see a huge hole. "Oh will," Mom says before bursting into tears falling onto the ground. I run back inside and hug her, tears dripping out of my eyes too.

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