Vol 1: chapter 6

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"On second thought, Josie you go with Johnathon, I don't want you to miss school, Karen will be busy

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"On second thought, Josie you go with Johnathon, I don't want you to miss school, Karen will be busy. Your going to be late, do the copies quick, I'll ring up and say you will be late okay?" Mom says as she hands Johnathon the keys to my car and twenty point note.  "Let's go then, be safe mom." I say before leaving the house with Johnathon. "You make the copies I'll leave my car here, I need to talk to Nancy before school." I say as we get to the print shop, "mom didn't want me to be alone, I don't think you should be either." He says locking the door. "Johnathon, would you rather me leave you with no car?" I say and he reluctantly unlocks it."good. Don't be really late or I'll kill you." I say before walking off.

"Nance! Barb!" I say as I walk into school, "Josie!" They yell back, giving me a group hug. "How's your mom? My mom said she was really shaken up." Nancy says sympathetically. "It's okay what are you doing?" I say quickly trying to change the subject. "Oh we were revising, want to join?" They say showing me their science revision cards. Before I can answer Steve comes and steals her cards. "I don't know nance, I think you've studied enough." He says flipping through the cards. "Steve!" She says trying to get them back from him, smiling. I feel so guilty seeing her like this knowing what I've done with him. "I'm telling you, you got this. Don't worry." He says putting them in his back pocket. "Now onto more important matters, my dad has left town for a conference and my moms gone with him because she doesn't trust him." He starts while walking to his friends with us. "Good call." Tommy says. "So are you in?" Steve says to Nancy. "In for what?" She says confused. "Big house? No parents? What do you think nance?" I say trying to make it better, and trying to get an invite of course. "A party?"she says finally getting it.

"Ding ding ding!" Carol says putting her arm around Tommy. "It's a Tuesday." Nancy says, what a priss. "It's a Tuesday oh my god!" Tommy says mocking her. "Come on it'll be low-key only us, Barb can come too and Josie." He says not looking me in the eye. Before she can agree Carol shuts her off. "Oh my god look." She says pointing at someone, Johnathon. "Oh god that's depressing." Steve says smirking, he knows that's my brother. "Should we say something?" Nancy says looking at me. I shake my head. "I don't think he speaks." Carol says laughing. "How much do you want to bet he killed him?" Tommy says putting me on my tipping point. "Bitch that's my brother, he didn't kill my little brother so get that thought out of your sick twisted brain. You cunt." I say before going up to Johnathon. "Please tell me you didn't hear that." I say grabbing a pile of posters and walking with him. "Every word." He says sighing. "What does Nancy see in him." He says gloomily. "I don't know, I guess she likes his hair." I say laughing. "Oh shit she's coming over that's my cue to leave." I say winking at him and walking off.

"Hey Jo." Steve says catching up to me as soon as I turn the corner. "I'm sorry, I didn't think they would go that far, Tommy was out of order for that." He says taking some of the pile from me. "It's fine. You shouldn't be near me, I'm still mad at you." I say trying to walk away. "Oh come on, I didn't mean it like that and you know it." He says nudging me slightly. "Stop making me like you." I say smiling quickly but trying to hide it with a frown. "I can't help it I'm just likeable." He says smiling. "Come with me." He says dropping the posters and holding my hand. "Be careful! They cost me twenty dollars!" I say before dropping mine and following him.

We find ourselves in the small gap between the English block and the pe hall, in view of people but nobody but the stoners go here. "Oh how I've missed you." Steve says tiling my face to look up at him. "Oh please, you can't resist me." I say smiling. "I changed my mind, its you, not Nancy, it's you." He says before softly kissing me. That made me feel guilty. "No, no you can't do that." I say pulling away. "What? Why not?" He says trying to kiss me again. "You can't sit here and say all of this when not even five minutes ago you were kissing her in-front of me, I'm not going to be the one to cause her this pain, I can't I won't do it. I'm sorry Steve." I say going to walk away. He stops me. "Jo, I love you." He says circling my wrist with his time. "That's the problem, I thought i wanted you to love me, but I love Nancy to much to let myself hurt her like this. I won't be going to your party no matter how much I want to go, I'll ruin it for Nancy. Please just let me go." I say almost in tears. "I didn't mean for it to happen like this." He says before dropping his hand and letting me go

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