Vol 2: Chapter 3

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"Okay boys have fun trick or treating!" I say to Will and Johnathon as they head out to meet Wills friends

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"Okay boys have fun trick or treating!" I say to Will and Johnathon as they head out to meet Wills friends. "We will! I'll save you all the caramels!" Will says waving as they get into Johnathon's car. "Mom I'm going out!" I yell as mom and Bob settles into their movie. "Okay!" Mom yells back and I leave to go to the Halloween party, this better be a fucking rager.

"Josie you made it!" Nancy says as I enter the house, well it's practically a mansion, whoever's party this is, their parents are gonna be pissed after this. "Fucking hell Nance I thought I'd never see the day you go to a proper party, Steve's one last year doesn't count there was like 6 of us." I say laughing as Steve comes over with drinks. "Oh hey Josie! Want a drink!" Steve says handing over his drink. "Thanks." I say cautiously. I drink some of the punch, it's shit. "Fucking hell you can tell it's cheap." I say grimacing. "Punch is punch." Steve says shrugging. "Yeah yeah, I'm going to find the drugs." I say and Nancy rolls her eyes, I run off before she can lecture me. "Josie! I didn't know you would be coming!" This girl who I've never met says. "Well you handed the posters out to everyone. "I say drinking more of the gross punch. "Yeah- well I know your sort, I don't want drugs at my party okay?" She says trying to intimidate me. "Well I do." A voice from behind me says. "Oh billy! Hey want to dance?" The girl says as he puts an arm around me, getting dirty looks from the girls around. "Sorry, he was actually about to get me a drink." I say looking at Billy, he rolls his eyes but smirk. "One drink coming up." He says swaggering away. "How did you pull him? Your nothing but a drug addict with zombie and perv brothers." The girl says trying to walk away. "Sorry who are you talking about?" I say grabbing her and turning her to face me, she looks scared. "Nothing." She says trying to look smug. "No please keep going, what we're you saying about my brothers?" I say and loads of people have started to look. "Nothing." She says again. "I thought so, I say pushing her away from me. "Crazy bitch." She whispers to her friends. "Oh please you haven't seen a crazy bitch," I say punching her in the face. Her friends instantly step in. "What the fuck!" One girl says getting her up off the floor. "Oh sorry, I guess it's the crazy bitch in me." I say as Billy walks over.

"Let's do the keg stand." I say as we go outside drinks in hand. "Let me help." Billy says as I step up to the keg, his hands graze my thighs, gripping them tight, he don't drop me. I start drinking from the keg and realise this is the night I can get the most drunk and I'm here for it. As I step off the keg everyone cheers. "Fuck yeahhh!" Billy yells as he steps up, he doesn't need any help, he's got upper body strength. As he gets off his sprays drink everywhere, gross but i cheer anyways. "Could do better". I tease and he just ignores me and leads me inside, where I see Johnathon enter behind me. Before I can react I'm up against a wall. "Could do better huh?" Billy says looking me up and down. "Yeah." I say struggling for words, I haven't felt like this since Steve. His hands grip my waist roughly, pulling me closer. "I find that hard to believe." He says kissing me roughly, seems desperate but I won't question, I've been waiting for this moment since I met him, let's be honest he's a total babe, a Californian babe. "What about now? Could I be better?" He says pulling away. "Try again I still need time to decide." I say trying to go in for another and he just laughs and let's go off me and goes into the crowd. "What the fuck?" I say as I see Steve storm out, seems like the perfect time to make more bad choices.

"Steve!" I yell as he slams his car door shut. "Fuck sake Josie not today!" He says as I hop in the car. "Where's Nancy?" I say and he looks enraged. "Ask your brother, he seems to know her better than me these days." He rants. "Well no shit he takes time to care, you took time not to care". I say and he rolls his eyes. "Fuck sake Josie! Stop trying to make me into the bad guy! We both made mistakes! I want to make it worth with Nancy ok! If pretending me and you didn't happen makes that happen I'll do that!" He yells. Attracting attention from others in the parking lot. "She will never trust you because of that, she barely even trusts me anymore. Your not going to appreciate her until you loose her." I say getting out of his car and he slams his steering wheel and drives away, almost hitting me. "Johnathon what the fuck?" I say as he exits the house with Nancy. "She's drunk, really drunk." He says putting her in the backseat. "Will?" I say and he huffs. "He wanted to be alone, wanted to be normal, and so do I for once." He says getting in the car and I nod. "That's valid." I say as he smiles and drives away.

You know what? It's a party one night to become the biggest slag, and I'm here for it, fuck Billy fuck Steve, if anything fuck whoever I want! I go back into the party planning to live my best life, until I see her. This girl in the corner of the room, short hair freckles not really sure what to do just standing near the punch bowl, taking occasional sips of punch. I recognise her but I don't know where from, she must not go our school, perfect. "Hey." I say going over to her. "Hey?" She says looking down at me, she's tall, only like 2 inches taller. "What's your name?" I ask taking a glass of punch. "I'm robin." She says smiling. "I'm Josie."

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