Vol 1: chapter 12

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"Get the fairy lights out right now

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"Get the fairy lights out right now." Mom says standing up and grabbing paint out of my bedroom, I painted it with Will and Johnathon recently. "Mom what the fuck are you doing?" I say handing her the lights. "He talks through lights, but only yes or no questions, I can do better, he's a smart boy." She says writing the alphabet on the wall, "Mom come on." I say as she hangs the lights above the letters. "Will where are you!" Mom yells and the letter R glows. I grab a pen and paper as more letters glows. "What did he say?" Mom says looking over my shoulder. "Right here?" I say as I look at the wall confused, suddenly it starts going crazy, "he's talking again!" Mom yells as I write what he says. "Run?" I say before the wall opposite starts distorting. "MOM!" I say as a hand bursts out of the wall, I scream, this isn't a human hand. "RUN!" I yell as we burst out of the house running into the road.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" I yell running into the road as a car pulls into the road. Johnathon's car. He gets out of the car and we pull him into a tight hug, then police sirens come towards us, "Joyce, I'm so sorry," hopper says getting out of his car. "What?" Mom says getting out of the hug. "We found Will." He says patting her on the shoulder. "Where is he then?" She says looking behind him. "Mom." Johnathon says before silently crying into my shoulder. "No he's not dead." I say looking back at the house. "We just spoke to him." I say looking at mom, who nods. "Get your guns out," Joyce says as we go back to the house.

"We have a few theories on what happened." Hopper says sitting down after patrolling the house for the strange creature in the wall. "We think that he fell into the water and drowned." He says and Johnathon shakes his head. "He hates water, never goes near it." He says before Putting his head on my shoulder again. "Another theory is that he was pushed off the cliff, we think that he was cornered by someone and pushed off, you said it yourself, peopel think he's a fairy." Hopper says patting mom on the shoulder. "Stop talking to me as if he's dead! He's not dead, and who would corner a little boy for being gay?" She says standing up and going to the alphabet wall. "Look Joyce, I know what your going through, when Sara died, I kept thinking she was still here, I thought I could hear her in her bedroom playing, this is just grief." He says getting up and trying to make her sit down. "Hopper I appreciate all your doing but my son is not dead, I would know." Mom says brushing him off her. "Joyce come on, this isn't healthy, you have deluded yourself and your oldest, you both think your seeing things! Please can you just come to the autopsy tomorrow, see for yourself." Hopper says sitting back down.

"I am not deluded! My brother is smart, he wouldn't drown he can swim, he is talking to us! I know it sounds crazy but I'm not going to settle for the drowning story! Will is alive and in danger, your the police you do something! Don't just sit there making stupid drowning and hate crime stories! That's not true!" I say getting up off my seat to face him. "Look, I don't know if your brain is scrambled because of all the drugs you take, illegal may I add but I'll excuse it for now, but he isn't talking to you through the walls, we are trying our best here, you being difficult doesn't help! We have done our job." Hopper says going closer to me. "Josie, sit down." Johnathon says trying to calm me down. "He's not dead Johnathon, you gotta know that!" I say crying a bit in anger. I'll let you guys get some rest, I'll see you in the morning." Hopper says leaving. "I'll get mom into bed." Johnathon says before helping her into her room, as she stands adamant to accept her fate.

"Hey, you alright?" Johnathon says coming into my room a few minutes later. "He's not dead, you get that?" I say as he sits next to me. "Josie he's dead okay! You saying all of this isn't helping mom, your deluding her even more! We could barely get her out of the delusion when dad left, I don't want to be alone trying to get you both out of it." He says angrily. "Johnathon, you won't be alone, me you mom and will will be together soon, just you wait." I say giving him a hug, he pushed away. "Don't you get it! He's dead! Will is dead!" He yells before pulling me into a hug crying on my shoulder.

I wake up that morning to the sound of a walkie talkie going off. "What the fuck Mike!" I say yawning and grabbing it off the floor. "Finally! Come to mine now! Will is here!" He says and i rush out of bed and get in my car, leaving Johnathon in the kitchen making breakfast and mom still in bed. I speed to mikes house and try to go through the basement door when I'm stopped by Nancy. "Why are you sneaking into my house?" She says trying to stop me. "Move Nancy, I need to talk to Mike." I say and she suddenly pulls me into a hug. "I'm really sorry, about Will and the pics, I wasn't thinking straight, I know most of it was acting out in sadness because of Will, I am sorry, I shouldn't have done that." She says, this feels good. "I'm sorry too, I knew he was your boyfriend, I was just jealous, boys were always interested in you for a real relationship and me for my body, I guess I just wanted to know what it felt like. I promise I won't do anything else with him." I say hugging her back. "Nancy!" Her mom calls and she breaks away. "I gotta run, And again I'm sorry for your loss." She says before running inside.

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