Vol 2: Chapter 1

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"Johnathon make sure you study this year yeah?" I say as we get out of the car, I left my car for mom to drive to work in

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"Johnathon make sure you study this year yeah?" I say as we get out of the car, I left my car for mom to drive to work in. "You still passed it and you've never even held a pencil." He says leaning against the door.  "I'm just naturally smart, your the one who needs some work." I say lighting my cigarette. "You got like one A." He says rolling his eyes. "One more than you will ever get." I say laughing. "What the fuck is that?" I say as a huge sports car pulls up into the school. They park next to me. A little ginger girl comes out and skates away without looking at anyone. Then this really hot guy walks out and scans the parking lot, catching my eye. "Hey." He says to me. "Hey." I say back and he smiles and walks away. "Oh my god, your not crushing on that are you?" Johnathon says laughing at me as we walk into the school.

As we walk in we're handed a flier. Nancy comes up to us and hands it to Johnathon. "Your coming to this." She says and he reads it. "Come and get sheet faced." He says mockingly. "No I'm not." He says handing her back the flier. "I can't let you sit all alone on Halloween that's just not acceptable!" She protests. "Well you can relax I'm not gonna be." He says back. "I'm going trick or treating with Will." He says and I laugh. "All night?" Nancy says "yeah." Johnathon replies. "No way, your gonna be home by eight listening to the talking heads and reading Vonnegut or something with Josie." She says looking at me. "Sounds like a nice night." He says shrugging. "No it fucking doesn't. I'm going to this party." I say holding up my flier and walking away as Steve jumps up at her.

"Ewww people showing affection." Eddie says fake puking as he walks up behind me. "Hey Eddie." I say getting to my locker. "You going to that party?" He says holding up a flier. "Yeah, are you?" I say holding up mine. "Yeah, it's a good place to deal." He says slipping me a zip lock bag. "Clearly." I say laughing, he's never got a sale other than a few jocks and me. " oh come on I think I might make the big bucks tonight!" He says chasing after me. "Sure you will." I say as he catches up. "Did you see that douche this morning, the new kid." He says gesturing to the guy who spoke to me earlier. "Yeah he's cool." I say as he looks over at me and smiles. "Fuck sake Josie right day back and you already packed the new popular kid, Steve last year now this guy?" He says laughing at me. "What can I say? I'm a sucker for jocks." I say laughing too and that new jock Jason Carver turns to look at me, he's a third year and already made the team. "Hey Josie." He says coming up to me. "No, Chrissy likes you, go talk to her". I say gesturing to the new cheerleader. He rolls his eyes and walks away. "Poor chrissy she's like in our year." Eddie says as we watch Jason hit on her. "Poor girl, if he started flirting with me like that I'd honestly die." I say before the bell goes off and I head to class.

After school I head to wills school. "Boys!" I say and they all wave at me. "Hey Josie!" I say and I look for Will. I get out the car and come up to them. "Where's Will?" I ask and they say that mom took him. I see them staring at that ginger girl from earlier. "Hey your Billy's sister right?" I call out to her. "Yeah why?" She says coming up to us. "Why did you invite her over." Lucas whispers. "Where did you move from?" I ask sitting on the bike shed. "California." She says back, messing around with her skateboard. "I'm driving these guys home, want a ride?" I ask and she looks around the parking lot. "Yeah I don't think Billy's coming, I'd love a ride." She says and the boys groan. "Shut up you guys." I say nudging them. "Stalkers." She says and I laugh. "Right come on." I say and they all pile into my car. "So what brought you to Hawkins?" I say as we drive to Lucas' house, hers is the furthest so I'm dropping her off last. "My stepdad got a new job". She says as Lucas jumps out the car. "Oh yeah that's cool." I say as Dustin jumps out. "Why do you care so much?" Mike says, "fuck sake mike you scared the shit out of me." I say jumping, he hasn't spoke in ages. "Sorry". He says and the girl laughs "what's your name?" I ask her as mike jumps out. "I'm Max." She says. "Nice to meet you max, I'm Josie." I say and she smiles.

"Okay here's your place." I say and she jumps out. Billy comes out the house and starts yelling not realising I'm there. "Who the fuck drove you home?" He yells and max gestures to my car. "Hey." I say getting out. "Oh hey, how do you know my sister." He says calming down quickly. "She's friends with my brother," I say and she shrugs and walks inside. "Oh cool." He says coming up to the car, "nice car you got there." He says. "You literally have a sports car, don't even try to flatter." I say laughing. "Just shooting my shot." He says before going into his back pocket. "You going tomorrow night?" He says getting a flier out. "Only if you are." I say and he looks interested. "Well in that case, count me in." He says and I smile. "I gotta get home, see you later." I say getting into my car and he stops me. "What's your name?" He asks. "I'm Josie." I say getting my lighter out and getting my car, "bye Josie." He says as I drive away.

As I get home I see that Bob is here. "Hey Bob!" I say as I walk in. "Oh hey kiddo! It's movie night!" He says and gestures to Johnathon who's taking the movies into wills room. "What we watching?" I say jumping onto wills bed next to Will. "Whatever you want?"he says drawing "what you drawing?" I say looking over his shoulder. "Who's zombie boy?" Johnathon asks. "Me." Will says, me and Johnathon both shoot eachother a look. "Did someone call you that?" I ask. "Hey you can talk to us, you know that right." Johnathon says sitting on the bed. "Will come on talk to us." I say and he doesn't look up from the drawing. "Stop treating me like that!" He snaps. "Like what?" Johnathon says "like everyone else! Like there's something wrong with me!" He says not really yelling but you can tell he wants too. "What are you talking about?" Johnathon says. "Mom dustin Lucas everyone!" Will snaps, "they all treat me like I'm going to break like I'm a baby like I can't handle things on my own! It doesn't help! It makes me feel like more of a freak." He says angrily. "Your not a freak." Johnathon says. "Yeah I am!" Will replies "you know what your right." I say and he looks up at me confused. "You are a freak." I say "what?" He says and Johnathon looks confused. "No I'm serious, your a freak." I say back sitting up normally. "But do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be like everyone else?" Being a freak is the best! Johnathon's a freak!" I say and Johnathon shoots me a look like saying rude. "Is that why he doesn't have any friends?" Will says and I laugh. "Hey!" He says back trying to look hurt. "I have friends will." He says laughing with us. "Then why are you always hanging out with me? Both of you." He says looking back at me. "Because your my best friend alright!" Johnathon says. "I'd rather be best friends with Zombie boy than a boring nobody, like Johnathon." I say laughing. "You get what I'm saying." I say shrugging. "Who would you rather be friends with? Bowie or kenny rogers?"  Johnathon says. Will looks disgusted. "Exactly no competition!" Johnathon says. "Nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world!" You get that?" Johnathon says. "Well some people like Kenny rogers." Will says and Bob comes into the room. "Kenny rogers? I love kenny Rogers." He says and we all laugh. "What's so funny?" He says picking up the movies. "Nothing." I say still laughing. "Mr moms perfect!" He says leaving the room cheering. We all laugh.

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