Vol 1: chapter 7

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"Son of a bitch

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"Son of a bitch." I say after school ends and realise Johnathon took my car to see dad. "Son of a bitch!" I yell. "Fuck sake." I say kicking a trash can outside the school. "Someone's angry." Eddie says behind me. "Johnathon took my car and he's going to be out of town for a few days, son of a bitch I say as he laughs at me. "Looks like you'll need a ride." He says as we go to his truck. "I'd rather walk than get in that thing." I say pretending to be grossed out. "Your carriage my lady." He says bowing down. "Oh that's kind sir." I say laughing before getting in. I look out the window and see Steve staring at me looking angry I flip him the bird. "I need to go to Nancy's she's going to a party and I can't let her look like a moron." I say as he hands me a joint. "I still can't believe your friends with Nancy wheeler she's the biggest priss ever," he says lighting my joint. "Had to sacrifice myself for my brother." I say taking a puff. "Oh yea, have you found him yet it's been on the news." He says taking it from my mouth and smoking it himself. "No not yet. My brothers gone to see my dad and my mom is just crazy I don't really know." I say taking the joint back. "How's Nancy taking the fact your banging her boyfriend?" He says changing the subject. "Oh if she knew she'd kill me." I say laughing. "Shit give me the eye drops, and the spray, this reeks or drugs she'll kill me." I say as we pull up to her street. "Trying to glam yourself up for the Princess?" He says laughing and taking the joint. "Thanks Eddie I'll see you tomorrow." I say waving him off. I spray some body spray and walk in.

"Hey Mrs wheeler! Is Mike in? I just want to talk to him quick." I say and she points to his bedroom . "Thanks!" "Psst Mike it's me," I say as he unlocks the door. "I have to be quick Nancy is waiting for me." I say sitting on the bed next to Dustin and Lucas. "She knows about will." Mike says. "What? How?" I say standing up to face her. "Did you get her name?" I ask them. "Eleven, el for short." Mike says. "Hey el, Will is my little brother, do you know where he is?" I ask crouching down to be on her level. She doesn't say anything. "This is ridiculous." Lucas says and he moved me out of the way. "DO YOU KNOW WHERE WILL IS?" he says shaking her. "Lucas stop your scaring her!" Mike shouts pushing him away. She starts to cry. "Hey it's okay!" I say patting her shoulder. "We need to go tell your mom." Lucas says heading to the door, it opens and suddenly closes. "No." She says her nose bleeding. "What the fuck was that?" I say to Mike. "It wasn't me!" He says and we all look at her. "JOSIE? Are you in mikes room?" Nancy yells and starts to open the door. "Shit, bye guys." I say before exiting the door, she let me leave. "Sorry I was just asking them about Will the other night. Let's get you dressed!" I say walking into her room.

"Jo you'll come with me right, Barb is refusing." She says as I sit on her bed. "No not after today, what they said about Johnathon." I say crossing my arms. "If Josie's not going I'm not going." Barb says crossing her arms too. "I can't go alone! Please! I'm literally begging right now!" She says to us shaking us. "Fine! But just because I want the booze." I say before getting up and looking through her closet. "Im choosing what you wear." I say throwing clothes out, they all look the same preppy and virgin. "Wear this." I say getting this pink top what is a little bit see though but I don't care. "Fine." She says before getting changed.

We all sit down at the wheeler dinner table that night, Dustin and Lucas look awkward while Mike shoots them looks all night. "What's going on." I mouth to Mike. "He kicks me under the table. "Is something wrong with the meatloaf?" Karen says looking worried. "No I just ate two Bologna sandwiches at lunch today, I don't know why." Dustin says, he's not a good liar. "Me too." Lucas says smiling sweetly. He's a better liar. "It's delicious mommy." Nancy says trying to sweet talk her into letting her go out. She signals for me to talk. "Mrs wheeler there's this special assembly on the school field for Will, is it alright is Nancy comes with me? I don't want to be alone." I say as she squeezes my hand under the table. "I don't know if I want you guys out after dark, it's dangerous." She says but looks upset after it. "It will be super weird if we're not there, everyone's going!" Nancy says and she finally agrees. "Mike don't you think you should be there too for Will?" Karen says causing him to spit out his milk. I look over and see El on the stairs. I quickly distract. "Please let me clear the plates, I'm taking your daughter out it's the least I could do before blocking their view of el. "Mike you can help me." I say as he stands up and gets plates. "Thanks." He whispers. "Your washing them up." I whisper back.

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