Vol 2: chapter 8

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"Bob can you drive Will to school today? I've got stuff to do before school

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"Bob can you drive Will to school today? I've got stuff to do before school." I say to Bob, who pretends to just arrive at the house with breakfast. "Yeah sure! He says ruffling my hair. "You have a good day doing stuff before school!" He says waving me off, mom is utterly In love with this guy, at least he's not like dad.

I rush to the police station to look for hopper, I need to know why he's hiding Eleven. She's meant to be dead. I catch hopper getting out of his truck. "Hopper we need to talk." I say and he brushes me off. "Not today, I have chief things to do." He says trying to ignore. "Why are you hiding Eleven?" I say and he stops in his tracks. "What gave you that idea?" He says facing me. "Doesn't matter, why are you hiding her, Mike and the boys need her! Mike is going crazy missing her! Nancy has caught him calling her every night! If your hiding her that's cruel." I say and he rolls his eyes. "Look kid, your a drug addict, whatever you saw is clearly a side effect because of grief, I'm not hiding the kid, get that idea out of your head." He says seriously. "Yeah yeah, maybe you haven't found her yet, that's why you were hiding eggos in the forest, she loves them you stopped a month back, meaning you either found her or stopped and you never stop, don't lie to me hopper." I say crossing my arms, I won't have this old fat man try and make me feel stupid I care about that kid and most of all care about Will and his friends, they need her. "I have real things to do, I'm not going to stand for your accusations, here's a joint go smoke it and put yourself out of your misery." He says handing me a rolled up cigarette, not a joint. "I'll find out the truth, and this isn't a joint!" I yell as he enters the police station, this point ignoring me.

I decide to skip school, I don't want the embarrassment of last night, well more specifically the embarrassment of seeing Billy. So I decide to take a joy ride around, hopefully I won't run into anybody. It's about 11 o'clock now so I decide to go see if I can get an extra shift in at family video god knows I need the money. "Hey Keith, I say as I arrive at the store, "why aren't you at school." Keith says, eating Cheetos he stole from the arcade next door. "No reason." I say and he shrugs. "Look do you think you can get me a date with Nancy?" He says and I roll my eyes. "In your dreams." I say and he looks annoyed. "Go to school I don't want you here." He says shooing me out. I get into my car and hear static In the backseat. I look behind and see the walkie going off. "What the fuck are you kids doing?" I say as I hear dustin yelling about some thing called dart. "Josie you gotta help us! Come to the school!" Mike says. "Where's will?" I say. "I'm here! Come help us!" Will says and I step on the gas and drive to the middle school.

"I'm here where are you?" I say and max answers. "The hall!"She says and i rush there where I see eleven outside of the door. "Eleven?" I say and she doesn't seem to notice me, her nose is bleeding. And max fell off her skateboard. "El." I say and she finally notices me, she goes pale and runs away. I run after her. "EL!" I yell and catch up to her as she enters a classroom. "Don't tell." She says locking the door. "Is hopper hiding you?" I say and she nods. "Why?" I say and she shrugs. "I can't be here, I'm not allowed to leave the cabin, don't tell." She says. "Does Mike know?" And she tears up. "No, don't tell Mike! Don't tell him!" She says almost sobbing. "Hey, hey I won't. I knew you weren't dead! I went to hopper this morning and he lied." I say hugging her. "Don't tell." She says hugging me back where the walkie starts again. "Run, go back home I won't tell." I say and she nods and unlocks the door and runs out. "Guys, I found him, the bathrooms near Mr steliontos." I hear will say on the walkie, what are they even looking for? I catch up with Mike and max to go there. "I thought I saw eleven." Mike whispers to me. "When?" I say trying to act normal. "In the hall, max fell of her skateboard and for a second I saw her, and you too." He says looking at me weirdly. As we get into the bathroom we see dustin alone in there. "Where's dart?" Max says and Dustin shrugs. "Not here, maybe he's with Will." He says and we look around. "Where is will?" I say before leaving the bathrooms to search.

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