Vol 2: chapter 4

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"Who are you looking for?" I say as I watch Robins eyes dart around the room

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"Who are you looking for?" I say as I watch Robins eyes dart around the room. "Does it matter?" She says taking another sip of her drink. "Does it have too?" I say taking a swig from my flask I just happen to have found in my pocket, it tastes old. "Tammy Thompson." She says downing her drink finally. "Is she the one who can't sing?" I say and she laughs. "I think she's good." Robin says sighing. "She's come into my store a few times, she likes stuff like valley girl, flash dance. So hey if you ever hang out with her, that's her favourite movies." I say getting out a cigarette. "You want one?" I say offering her one and she nods. "She's one of them romantics?" Robin says taking one of my cigarettes. "Yeah basically." I say handing her the lighter. "Good, that means I definitely won't have a shot." Robin says rolling her eyes. "Chill out, she isn't that selective with her friends." I say and she laughs. "Yeah friends." She says and I look at her. "You know what, I like you, you do go to my school right?" I say and she laughs. "Wow and I thought I had a recognisable face." She says and I clock it. "Hey you went to summer camp with me! Robin Buckley!" She used to always say that she had a recognisable face, she also used to carry around an erasable board and do tally charts but I guess she grew out of that.

"Yeah, That's me." She says. "Wait so you knew who I was this whole time?" I say and she nods. "Josie Byers, your the one who bagged Steve and Billy." She says and my head snaps around. "What? Who said that?" I say and she laughs. "You weren't subtle last year, seriously the stoner alleys? Literally anyone can see in them." She says leaning backwards onto the wall. "Oh lovely." I say leaning back with her and when I face her I see that our noses are inches apart. "Thank fuck I went to go talk to the only other lonely soul, I would have completely forgotten who you were." I say and she smiles, she got her braces off, and she got pretty, not that she wasn't a dreamboat before. "Me? Lonely? Never." She says moving around noticing the closeness, "it's loud in here." She says pulling away and sitting straight. "Come I know a spot." I say grabbing her hand and leading her upstairs.

I did in fact not have a spot, I just went into the first room I saw. It didn't work in my favour. "Welcome to-" I say as I open the door to the first room I saw, I see two people going at it on the bed. "Oh fuck sorry!" I say going to close the door when I realise who it is. Billy and some girl. "Fuck sake." Billy says when he realises it's me. "Close the door then!" The girl yells and we leave. "Clearly not that room then." I say and Robin pats me on the shoulder trying to comfort. "Ah this room is better." I say as we go into this bedroom whats empty. "Lock the door, this door actually has a lock, I don't want people walking in." Robin says as I lock the door. "Sorry about Billy." Robin says as we sit on the bed. "I barely knew him a week I'll get over it." I say laying down on the bed, Robin following. "But still." She says and I lean ontop of her. "Robin I'm fine." I say and she pulls me back down. "Yeah yeah." She says before realising what she done. We're practically nose to nose. "You look different." I say. "Yeah well I got my braces off, and a better haircut." Robin says looking into my eyes. "You look better too, I mean you were always stunning even in camp." She says and I laugh. "You always had them blue eyes, that guy from the bunk below me always talked about your eyes." Robin says and I feel myself blushing. "And your hair, it was always in a ponytail, I don't know why. You said that it made you look more professional." Robin says tucking a strand of hair behind my ears. "Yeah professional." I say sarcastically. "Josie." Robin says and I look down at her. "Yeah?" I say back. "Nevermind." Robin says wriggling away. "What was that?" I say getting up properly. "What was what?" She says trying to avoid my eye. "You just done all of them nice compliments and you just run away?" I say and she laughs. "I was being nice." She says and I sigh. "What does it take to get a kiss from a pretty girl." I say rolling my eyes and Robin head spins around. "What?" Robin says and I realise what I said. "I didn't say shit." I say getting up. I don't like girls, what the fuck am I talking about I'm just upset about Billy and Steve, but I mean, the doors locked and I'm upset so why not. "Yeah you did." Robin says. "I said what does it take to get a kiss from a pretty girl."

Robin nervously laughs. "What?" She says again, fucking hell this woman, she's not good at hiding it is she. "I said," I say going closer to her, "what does it take to get a kiss from a pretty girl." I say tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Keep doing what your doing and it won't take much more" she says, well whispers I don't think she could talk properly at that moment.

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