Vol 1: chapter 17

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"Are you staying here too?" I ask Johnathon as I go up to Nancy's room

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"Are you staying here too?" I ask Johnathon as I go up to Nancy's room. "Oh yeah, I can't really go back home cause of Lonnie, plus you need to keep your car here and I can't walk home." He says setting up his bed on the floor. "Nancy will be scared, she needs someone to comfort her." He says looking at me. "Steve saw you and Nancy in her bedroom, he's angry." I say looking at him and he looks worried. "Did you say anything?" He says. "Maybe." I say and he gets up. "What did you say!" He says looking me in the eye. "I may have provoked him, it was fun though!" I say laughing. "Your so selfish sometimes, she literally said she wanted to work it out with him and you agreed! Now your ruining it even more." He says before shutting up as the door opened. "What are you guys talking about?" Nancy says confused. "Drugs.""salad." Me and Johnathon say. "Um what?" Nancy says laying on the bed. "You need rest." Johnathon says and goes to lay on the floor. I laugh slightly. "Budge up." I say to Nancy. "Not you, you snore." She says turning around. "Fuck off, you can talk," I joke. "Oh shush!" She says laughing. "How are you doing?" I say and she faces me. "Honestly that was scary, when I close my eyes all I can see is that thing, that thing took Barb, and Will. We need to kill it." She says linking hands with me. "Oh believe me, we will." I say smiling at her.

I wake up two hours earlier than Johnathon and Nancy, I sneak past Mr and Mrs wheelers room to Mikes. "Psst, where's Lucas." I say opening the door. "He's outside, you ready?" Mike says putting on his gear. "What the fuck are you wearing." I say laughing. "My adventure gear, I look cool." He says defensively. "I told you! You look shit!" Dustin says laughing. "Shut up!" Mike says. "Come on." I say sneaking downstairs. "Lucas how the fuck did you get in my car already?" I say as I get to my car, he's in the front seat. "It was unlocked." He says shrugging. "Aww I wanted to call shotgun!" Dustin whines. "Are you guys talking yet?" I say and nobody talks. "I like eleven." I say. "Yeah of course you do, she pretends to know will!" Lucas says. "She does know will!" Mike yells. "Don't yell in my car!" I say and they all stop. "Did you guys eat?" I say and they all shake their heads. "I've got chocolate under the chairs, look under them." I say and they all rummage under the chairs. "Why do you have leaves under your chair?" Lucas says holding a plastic bag of weed. "That's not for you." I say snatching it out of his hands. "Wow you really are on drugs." Dustin laughs. "Will was right!" Mike says laughing too. "Wait Will said I'm on drugs?" I say looking back at them. "Watch the road!" Lucas says. "Shit!" I say getting the car back on route. "Yeah he found stuff in your car, didn't know what it was, showed us." Mike says shrugging. "That's where it went!" I say laughing. I thought I hid it so well, no wonder Will hated going in my room and worried when I went out, he knew. "Okay is it the left or right junkyard?" I say as I get to a junction. "I don't know!" Mike says and Dustin looks at a map. "Fuck sake, how do you expect me to take you somewhere if you don't know where it is!" I say turning back at them. " you said it was the stoner one!" Dustin says, "ohhh! Yeah I forgot" I say and I take a left. "Okay be safe yeah?" I say as we get to the junkyard. I get the bikes out of the trunk. "When the fuck did you guys put these in here?" I say confused. "You swear a lot." Lucas says ignoring the question. I check the time on my watch. "Shit! I gotta go! Walkie me if you need me okay!" I say before speeding off back to Nancy's.

"Where did you go?" Johnathon says as I jump through her window. "Doesn't matter." I say getting changed. "Nancy do you have any of my clothes?" I say looking around the room. "Where is she?" I say to Johnathon. "She's getting changed in the bathroom." He says turning his top inside out. "Bet you didn't like that." I say laughing. "Shut up." He says. "Keep dreaming johnny, one day you will finally see a pair!" I say laughing as I take one of Nancy's tops. "Not that top!" Nancy says walking in the room as I go to put it on. "Why the fuck not?" I say taking it off. "I haven't worn it yet!" She says rummaging in the closet for another. "Here this is yours." She says giving me a top what I clearly haven't worn for years. "Oh like I'm going to fit in that!" I say rolling my eyes. "I'm sure you can do it." She says brushing her hair. "How do we know nobody will see us in town?" Johnathon says stealing her deodorant. "Fucking hell Johnathon this is the first time I think you have ever used that!" I say patting him on the back. "Well done!" I say laughing. "Your really not funny." He says fake laughing. "Who cares if people see us?" Nancy says opening her window back up. "Let's just go. " she says grabbing Johnathon's hand and jumping out the window. "Oh yeah leave me to it I guess." I say jumping out on my own.

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