Vol 1: chapter 2

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6th November 198311:05pm"Hey Eddie what's the time?" I say snorting some stuff he found in his drawer, none of us knew what it was so we had to test it

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6th November 1983
"Hey Eddie what's the time?" I say snorting some stuff he found in his drawer, none of us knew what it was so we had to test it. "Uh around 11." He says putting eye drops in. "Shit shit shit. I need to pick up my brother." I say getting up and fixing my hair and grabbing my bag. "I'll see you tomorrow." I say before rushing off and speeding to Wills house.

As I get there I see Steve leaving Nancys window. With Nancy there too. "Josie what are you doing here? Nancy calls out from her window. "Picking up will!" I call back putting on my sunglasses, she can't see how high I am. "He left like half an hour ago." Steve says smugly. "Oh right okay, thanks bye." I say to Nancy and get back into my car. "Fuck" I say before speeding off.

"Will? Are you here?" I call as I get into my house. No reply. "Will this isn't funny." I yell before opening his bedroom door. Nothing. "WILL WHERE ARE YOU!" I yell going into all of the rooms, nothing in any of them. "WILL?" I yell before going to the phone and calling Johnathon. "Josie I'm at work call me later." He says before cutting me off. Suddenly I hear the dog barking. I go outside and see him barking at the shed. I go inside and see the gun on the counter has been moved, and loaded. "Oh god will." I whisper.

That morning Mom and Johnathon come home and begin breakfast. "Josie where's Will? He's not up yet." Mom  says as I come out from the garden, I was looking through the forest all night. "Mom I haven't seen him since last night. I went to pick him up and he was gone, I checked the house and I was in the forest all night looking for him. He's gone." I say tears streaming down my face. "He might have just stayed at one of the boys house, go call them. "Hey Mrs Henderson, is Will there?" I say calling all of the parents. "No dear, why can't you find him?" Mrs Henderson says. "Oh no don't worry, sorry bye!" I say and move onto the next parent.

"Mom I called them all, they can't find him." I say crying. "I'll go to hopper today, you and Johnathon go to school, I'm sure he's just stayed over without the parents knowing you know he can be easily influenced." Mom says shaking slightly. "Fine." I say grabbing my car keys and passing them to Johnathon. "Your driving." I say, if you can't tell I hate driving. "Why does it smell like weed in here?" Johnathon says as we drive to school. "Who cares will is missing, I called you last night, you didn't answer I needed you last night." I say looking out the window. " well I didn't know that." He says looking annoyed. "Make some posters today, if he's missing we're going to find him."

"Hey Josie," Eddie says to me putting his arm around my shoulder. "Eddie what are you doing? We don't talk at school remember?" I say pushing him off. "It's not like Steve isn't going to tell everyone anyways, he's not one to keep secrets." He says walking next to me. "Oh come on Eddie, you hold him in such low regard, he won't tell anyone, his ego would be bruised, and it would hurt Nancy." I say trying to speed up. "Now scram!" I say and he holds his hands up and makes way for me to pass. As I get to my locker I'm stopped by Nancy. "What we're you doing with Eddie? Your not on drugs are you?"she says looking through my locker. "Nancy! Chill out, he just came up to me i dont do drugs." I say laughing. "Are you sure? Your eyes are red, you have eyebags." She says inspecting my face. "I can't find will, I was in the forest looking all night, I'm sure he's fine, my mom said he's most likely at your house." I say rubbing my eyes. "Oh my god wills missing?" Nancy says, "he's not at my house or any of the other boys house, I dropped Mike off this morning and they were all looking for him." She says worriedly. "What." I say before running out of the school trying to get to my car. "Hey where you going?" Steve says chasing after me. "Wills missing." I say before getting into my car. "Oh wait I'll come with you." Steve says. "No." I say. "I'll drive." He says, that always gets me. I think him the keys. "Fine, just because I hate driving."

"So where is he?" Steve asks looking over at me. "Are you stupid." I say back, still annoyed at yesterday. "Well where did you last see him?" He says back. "Yesterday morning I had taken him to Nancys for the day." I say biting my nails. "I think we should go to hopper." Steve says. "Steve I said drive to the police station, who else would we be going too." I say looking him dead in the eye. "Okay we're here, want me to go in with you?" He says as I get out. "No my moms in there." I say closing the door.

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